Planners for Real Moms

Because life moves at the speed of light, moms need planners. However, we don’t need the fancy-schmancy and uber-complicated. Hey, we’re the people who only have enough time for five-minute showers and 30-second potty breaks! Besides, we live within budgets. We can’t spend bread, milk (or underwear) money on … Read More…

How to Homeschool When Your Kids are Crazy and Your Husband is Cranky

Do you feel at the end of your rope, pulled apart by the demands from all ends of your life? Here’s the way one dear mama put it: Could you help me please? My husband says he wants to put the kids in public school because our lives … Read More…

How to Create Your Own Amazingly Simple Cursive Program

Researchers are confirming what educators have known since the dawn of time; handwritten work increases retention, comprehension, and higher brain function. On some levels this sounds counter-intuitive, even “archaic,” in an age where we are surrounded by digital devices. Many are arguing children need to have more keyboarding … Read More…

How We Homeschool: Mom of 15 Shares the Details

So…as I have promised, here is how we are doing it. Please keep in mind, this is only a snapshot. If you took a picture of how we did it 20 years ago, you may have not recognized it as the same thing. We have adapted according to … Read More…

How to Homeschool With Composition Books

If you’re looking for a low-cost, low-stress way to homeschool, why not try composition books? I know they aren’t impressive by themselves, but with just a few ideas, tips, and directions they can become the best way to give your children a top-notch education! You see, these are … Read More…

How to Build the Ultimate Homeschool Method

If you are like me, sifting through homeschool methods is so mind-boggling! Each one sounds so promising, and the testimonies are so convincing. Yet, using them in “real life” can be so overwhelming. In fact, I just about went crazy trying to find one that fit. Finally, I … Read More…

The Best Almost Free Language Arts Curriculum You’ll Ever Need

If you have more than one child and you are homeschooling, you know about Scattered Brain Syndrome. Since I have 15 children, I guess my brain is more scattered than the rest of civilization (an excuse I might use when apologizing for missing that doctor’s appointment on Monday…). … Read More…

Drawing to Learn for Effective Homeschooling

When it comes to rearing children, I am all for enforcing requirements and boundaries. In our house we make beds, wash dishes, brush teeth, respect the space and belongings of others, and answer with respect. I am also a great believer in giving children freedom wherever possible, and … Read More…

Free Lesson Sheets Printables

During my 27 years of homeschooling, nothing has contributed more to our stability and success than the McGuffey Readers. I am a great promoter of delight-directed learning and I believe it is the only way to allow the God-given genius in each child flourish and take flight. I … Read More…

A Relaxed Homeschool Schedule

Theories are nice to read about, but we all need to have real-life examples of just how things work, don’t we? (I know I sure do!) So, how ’bout hearing how we’ve done things at our house? Here is an example of a relaxed homeschool schedule (although I … Read More…