15 Morning Sickness Hacks from a Mom of 15

Green, sick, and awful, that’s how I have always felt the first few months of my pregnancies. Someone even accused me of being a glutton for punishment because I volunteered for so many! Of course, I know the benefits outweigh the difficulties, but it’s hard to stay positive … Read More…

15 Homeschool Hacks for Pregnancy and Childbirth

Babies and homeschooling; is it possible to mix both? Most people think a mom of 15 should know! In fact, recently a dear mama sent me a question which inspired this entire post: I was wondering if you could give me some advice and insight. Here’s what I’m … Read More…

How to Reset Your Mom Life

Mom life is a marathon, isn’t it? We start out strong, spurred on by gushing love and admiration for a child who is perfect in our eyes. Then Guilt and Fear come along and we grow weary and weak. Guilt keeps us company. Chatting incessantly about all the things we … Read More…

How the Army Made Me a Better Mom

Almost any woman can give birth, but you and I know it takes hard work to become a good mother.  If you are like me, the babymoon gave you passionate love for your little one, but when the emotional high wore off, you needed something more. You needed … Read More…

From Soldier to Supermom

I can endure almost anything as a mom because I have been U. S. Army trained. Have you ever been 18 and gullible? Well, I certainly was. Besides being naïve, I thought I was very smart, which made it too easy for the recruiter who signed me up. … Read More…

Gentle Grammar for Young Children

There is a stage where the gap between the ability to read and the ability to write is enormous. Of course, early efforts are so precious and endearing! What cold-hearted person could discourage such amazing beginnings, and yet… …I have observed that, if not corrected early-on, some habits … Read More…

God Loves Your Family

Family matters. The culture says, “Don’t worry about it, just let it happen,” or, “Family can be anyone or anything, even a group of regulars at a bar, college roomies, or two mommies and two daddies.” None of this is true. Yes, people can enjoy the bond of … Read More…

How Did You End up with 15 Kids?

I was not raised to want a lot of kids. In fact, when I was carrying my first child I was very, very afraid. Babies and children were a mystery to me. Even the men I knew were better with infants than I was.     But as … Read More…

I Want to be a Gold Medal Mom

Athletes have stars in their eyes. Their focus is to become champions. They see themselves standing on the podium, hand over heart, swelling with pride as the medal is draped and the crowd erupts in applause.   But the road to that point is long. Denial. Pain. Begging … Read More…

Encouragement for Stay-at-Home Saints

If you are knee-deep in the stomach flu, or teething, or broken appliances, or just having a hard time keeping up with the responsibilities of life, you should consider your holy estate. You are more than a mere stay-at-home mom, you are a stay-at-home saint. Saints, prophets, and … Read More…