God Has Promised Moms Joy

Got grief? If you are a Christian mom, grief should be chasing you down daily. Why? because there is a devil and he hates godly people. One person has said that, if the devil isn’t against you, it’s because you’re walking with him. Yea, and all that will … Read More…

How to Become a Tolerant Mom

We all like peace and order, don’t we? We like to know our favorite scissors will always be just where we put them last, or we can talk on the phone without competing with screaming in the background, or we can open the bathroom door without fear and … Read More…

HELP! My Kids Are Driving Me Crazy!

I hear it everywhere I go. In fact, it is the subject of the majority of email questions I receive. Moms feel frustrated and defeated. They are also weighed down with grief and guilt at their own reactive behavior. First of all, let me say that I get … Read More…

Three Homeschooling Mamas You Should Know

If you are like me, you have little time to spend actually reading blog posts. I tend to be quite focused. I only visit sites that will answer my questions or teach me something I desperately need to know. If I decide to follow a blogger and read her … Read More…

How to Reset Your Mom Life

Mom life is a marathon, isn’t it? We start out strong, spurred on by gushing love and admiration for a child who is perfect in our eyes. Then Guilt and Fear come along and we grow weary and weak. Guilt keeps us company. Chatting incessantly about all the things we … Read More…

How to Become a Peaceful Mom

Moms can, and must, find peace.  When they don’t, they become a menace to their families. I know all about it, peace that is, and that’s saying a lot. People don’t believe me. They say it’s not possible for a mom of 15 to know even the meaning … Read More…

Are You Killing Your Kids?

Mommyhood is not all kisses and flowers, is it? There are days when we dance through fields of daisies, and there are weeks when we trudge a rocky road. I started out wanting to tip-toe through the tulips. Within three years I had a beautiful little girl with … Read More…

How the Army Made Me a Better Mom

Almost any woman can give birth, but you and I know it takes hard work to become a good mother.  If you are like me, the babymoon gave you passionate love for your little one, but when the emotional high wore off, you needed something more. You needed … Read More…

Don’t Forget to Disciple the Kids!

Rearing children is sort of like balancing on a high wire and juggling at the same time.   We want so much; our children need to be healthy, happy, well-adjusted, and, hopefully, heaven-bound. Sometimes while we are busy running to the doctor, or the store, or we are … Read More…

The Jig is Up: Public Schooling is Wrecking America

The socialist, globalist agenda is a definite threat to our country, but it wouldn’t have a chance if it weren’t for public schooling and higher education. Wherever is found what is called paternal government, there is found state education. It has been discovered that the best way to … Read More…