Gentle Grammar for Young Children

There is a stage where the gap between the ability to read and the ability to write is enormous. Of course, early efforts are so precious and endearing! What cold-hearted person could discourage such amazing beginnings, and yet… …I have observed that, if not corrected early-on, some habits … Read More…

God Loves Your Family

Family matters. The culture says, “Don’t worry about it, just let it happen,” or, “Family can be anyone or anything, even a group of regulars at a bar, college roomies, or two mommies and two daddies.” None of this is true. Yes, people can enjoy the bond of … Read More…

How Did You End up with 15 Kids?

I was not raised to want a lot of kids. In fact, when I was carrying my first child I was very, very afraid. Babies and children were a mystery to me. Even the men I knew were better with infants than I was.     But as … Read More…

Free Lesson Sheets Printables

During my 27 years of homeschooling, nothing has contributed more to our stability and success than the McGuffey Readers. I am a great promoter of delight-directed learning and I believe it is the only way to allow the God-given genius in each child flourish and take flight. I … Read More…

How to Make a Study Carrel for FREE!

Lots of distractible children and a huge, long dining table do not make for a productive study time. I know this because I have a humongous table and a whole parcel of highly distractible children. My solution?–Study Carrels. The idea is an old one, employed by educators for … Read More…

I Want to be a Gold Medal Mom

Athletes have stars in their eyes. Their focus is to become champions. They see themselves standing on the podium, hand over heart, swelling with pride as the medal is draped and the crowd erupts in applause.   But the road to that point is long. Denial. Pain. Begging … Read More…

Our Space Vacation

There’s nothing wrong with a travel vacation, but most of the time it’s all go, go, go! Then, after the “break” is over, you feel like you need another vacation just to rest. Since we are so big, and since almost all of us live in the same … Read More…

A Relaxed Homeschool Schedule

Theories are nice to read about, but we all need to have real-life examples of just how things work, don’t we? (I know I sure do!) So, how ’bout hearing how we’ve done things at our house? Here is an example of a relaxed homeschool schedule (although I … Read More…

Big Family Italian Dump Dish

We get so busy in our (now) family of 11 that we sometimes forget we have to eat! And, while crock pot meals can be marvelous (I use those, too), I am so guilty of forgetting to start one early in the day (anyone with me?).  That’s why … Read More…

Encouragement for Stay-at-Home Saints

If you are knee-deep in the stomach flu, or teething, or broken appliances, or just having a hard time keeping up with the responsibilities of life, you should consider your holy estate. You are more than a mere stay-at-home mom, you are a stay-at-home saint. Saints, prophets, and … Read More…