How to Find More Time with Homeschool Lunchboxes

Homeschooling moms need a 30 hour day–don’t you agree? Since that’s never going to happen, we have to find ways to use the 24 hours we already have. One better way to use the time we are allotted is with homeschool lunchboxes. “But Sherry, packing a lunch seems … Read More…

How to Schedule Homeschool

I recently uploaded a new video on how to schedule homeschool which promised a printable of examples, so I thought I would use this post to give you a link to the video, share the free pdf of examples, and give you some notes from the video. First, … Read More…

How to Homeschool When Your Kids are Crazy and Your Husband is Cranky

Do you feel at the end of your rope, pulled apart by the demands from all ends of your life? Here’s the way one dear mama put it: Could you help me please? My husband says he wants to put the kids in public school because our lives … Read More…

peaceful home, peaceful homeschooling

Creating a Peaceful Home for Stress-Free Homeschooling

Having a peaceful home leads to peaceful homeschooling. When we get our household running on rails of habit and routine, we find we have more “brain space,” time, and energy for all of the learning activities with our children. First, a letter to myself when I was first … Read More…

Homeschooling Questions Answered by Mom of 15

This post will deal with some homeschooling questions. I love it when y’all ask me questions because it allows me to focus my efforts so that I can be more effective for you. I recently received some really good ones from a reader, so I thought I would … Read More…

15 Hacks For Homeschool Scheduling

Why is it that when you are home everyone thinks you have a lot of time on your hands? Homemaking itself can take the entire day, then adding in homeschooling means we are often scrambling to find time to fit everything in. Here are some principles for homeschool … Read More…

How to Find Time to Homeschool

Daily mom life takes up just about every available minute in the day. How are we supposed to find time to homeschool on top of it all? This is probably one of the greatest issues I have faced as the mom of 15 energetic children. Over the years … Read More…

Homeschool for Cheap or Free Mega Post With Loads of Links and Printables

Here is the homeschool for cheap or free mega post with loads of links and printables Of course, the most important resources you will need you already possess: The Holy Spirit. I am hoping you have Him as Your Helper. I could not live without Him! He is … Read More…

15 Grocery Shopping Hacks from a Mom of 15

Follow my blog with Bloglovin In our home grocery shopping is not incidental, it is MONUMENTAL ! We have to take out a back seat in our 15 passenger van to fit a major grocery-shop, and even then we have to use a few seats as well, and … Read More…

More than 15 Homeschool Hacks from a Mom of 15

It doesn’t take a genius to educate a large family at home, but it does take quite a bit of focus and ingenuity. This is especially true when considering the direction and logistical details for another year of learning. If you are like me, you can use any … Read More…