If you are a mommy who needs a special Christmas present, then Glorious Mothering is for you!

This is not a time-waster
Like me, you only have so many hours in a day, and most of these are for our loved ones. But, also like me, you need to carve out some time for recharge.
Glorious Mothering will help make this possible. Each page is so concentrated it will feel like you are taking a mom vitamin. After only a few moments you will be meditating on scripture and mulling over ideas that will revolutionize your mom life.
Here are the chapter titles:
- Moms Can Have Joy
- How to Be a Self-Controlled Mom
- How to Become a Peaceful Mom
- When You Should and Shouldn’t Worry
- Overcoming Overwhelm
- Weathering a Storm
- Streamlining
- Getting Ahead
- Making Children Behave
- Keeping Track by Herding
- Harness the Potential Energy in Your Family for God’s Glory
- Finding Time for Recharge
- Troubleshooting
- Don’t Make Your Kids Ashamed of Their Home
There are two forms to choose for reading; paperback book or Kindle. Both have been priced reasonably so they will be affordable. Click on the graphic below for the link:

To give you a taste for what is found inside, here are some quotes:
If large families experience magnified problems, they also enjoy help that goes above and beyond what normal humans experience.
Children often cause trouble because they do not know what they are supposed to be doing with themselves.
Helping out at home trains the temper and builds the body. Chores help children learn perseverance and compassion for others.
I read the Bible every day. I take it with me in my purse. I open it when I’m happy and when I’m sad. I live every day from its passages and I escape every night into its promises.
You don’t have to settle for a defeated, sad life. Jesus promised us peace and joy, and they can be yours daily. This book will help show you how to grab these promises and make them yours!

My favorite quote from the book was:
“Your environment does not create your peace. Your peace creates your environment.”
Love this book! It’s a real blessing!
You’re so sweet to me, Jill 🙂
That was mine too Jill!! How funny☺️ Look how many people you touched with that one simple quote Sherry!