In this post I will be introducing the promised free homeschool mom planner for spring 2022.
This planner is meant to include elements of the different hats homeschooling moms wear. This is the second in a series with some changes and/or improvements based on your input and my experience from using the first version the last few months.
Included are typical places for:
- Monthly planning
- Weekly planning
- Daily planning
But there are also some not-so-typical places for:
- Clothing inventory. Some very smart mom requested a place to keep track of which child needs what and in what size. Genius! So, I created a few pages that I hope will meet this need.
- Keeping track of chores. This is also an idea from a genius mom. I based this one on what I have needed with my own 15 children.
- Homemaking focus. Basically, a “brain dump” for each month.
- Homemaking focus. This is great for keeping us on track on those days when we suffer from “brain fuzz.”
- Meal planning. Since this is a major part of a mom’s life, therea re more than a few spreads dedicated to this task each month. I have a veidwo that goes into detail on how I use these pages that I put out for the last planner release.
After using the first beta planner for the last three months, I realized there were some other changes needed, and some of you great ladies also gave me a few more ideas. So this is how the weekly spread is portioned out:
- Habit recording space. This was a requested one. Use it for water, exercise, praising God, or whatever else you need.
- Chores. A dear mom suggested this would be quite helpful as chore assignments may var from day-to-day.
- Homeschooling. I realized that I had botched this portion of the planner the moment I made the video for the first beta version! This time out I reconfigured the entire homeschooling chart so that it can be filled in daily, not weekly. I also put initials on the page.
This time out the design is more of a weekly spread that a dashboard. I found myself needing more space to record daily than weekly, other than the shopping list and meals section. Still, there is a place for notes on the right page of the spread.

I believe this entire endeavor is quite spiritual, since one of the definitions of evil is “disorder,” and one of the defining characteristics of God (and good) is order. Whenever we attempt to fight chaos, we are performing a spiritual reality of God’s Kingdom. Hence, the scriptures I have provided and the space to record what God has been saying to us personally (and He is always speaking, we just need to be tuning in…).
Since this is another beta version, there are only three months included. In the near future I hope to have a full-blown version available for download and in print (God willing, bolstered by your prayers).
There may be a slight difference in design and layout because I have shifted from my old stand-by editing software, Microsoft Publisher, to Affinity Designer, which is like InDesign, but at a much cheaper price (and not dependent on the cloud). I am hoping to become more intimately acquainted with this program so that I can continue to offer you better quality printouts, books, etc. which I hope will be helpful to you on your glorious mothering journey!
Download your free planner here:
Here is a video which explains further:
Let me know if you find any errors, or if you have some more genius input.