Glorious Mothering

I have an exciting announcement to make… Glorious Mothering has been published! For those of you who haven’t heard, I’ve been working on this book for about two years now. At first it was only a hodge-podge of ideas which sat on the shelf for over a year … Read More…

15 hacks for a stress-less holiday season from a mom of 15

15 Hacks for a Less Stressful Holiday Season

My ultimate Christmas dream is a quiet dinner, a modest Christmas tree, a few gifts opened while soft Christmas carols play in the background… However, my husband is the opposite. He is Santa Claus. Really, I’m not kidding. He loves everything about the season, even listens to Christmas … Read More…

How to Turn Any Novel Into a Language Arts Textbook

According to Ruth Beechick, the most wonderful texts for language arts learning are well-written books. This is great news for both teacher and pupil, at least in theory. The problem lies in actually turning this valuable information into something you can use practically with your children. Thankfully, I … Read More…

Add Some Method to Your Homeschool Madness

This is the third installment in the Easy Homeschooling series. Today we are going to discuss how we need things we can touch and see in order to keep us on track. If you have multiple children in multiple stages of childhood, this will be especially helpful for … Read More…

Simplifying homeschooling into its most essential parts helps build confidence and quell confusion.

More Tips for Making Homeschooling EASY

Homeschooling is something that is either hugely complicated or wonderfully simple. It all depends on your perspective. While choice is an amazing thing, too much choice can lead to confusion unless you have a framework that dictates which helps you make decisions. By God’s grace (and isn’t it … Read More…

Tips for Easy Homeschooling, Part One

Ever feel like a homeschooling failure? Relax, you’re among friends! Grab a cup of whatever makes you smile and read this post to find out how to make sense of homeschooling and rest your weary heart. (Psst, if you already watched the video on Youtube, you can either … Read More…

How to Demystify Math

I think what intimidates us most about teaching math to our children is our own ignorance of the subject. Knowing how it is approached dissipates confusion and frustration. I’ve created a video that helps explain (but this post has all sorts of other goodies and links you don’t … Read More…

Everything You Need to Know About the McGuffey Readers

The McGuffey readers have been the solution to many of my homeschool problems. They are: Excellent Simple Affordable Readily available They are excellent because they: Go from pre-k through high school (and college prep) Are re-usable (for multiple children) Are filled with godly wisdom, even whole passages of … Read More…

You CAN Homeschool a Large Family

From the outside it seems impossible that any one woman could feed, clothe, and pay attention to a group of four or more children. I know that before I had my own brood I was doubtful. However, while this lifestyle comes with numerous challenges, it also comes with … Read More…

How to do Relaxed Unit Studies

To my mind, a good unit study plan needs a little bit of structure and a whole lot of room to wiggle around and shoot off in all different directions.  In case you aren’t familiar with homeschool unit studies, here is a nutshell definition: Unit Studies approach a … Read More…