How Doing These Two Things Can Revolutionize Your Mom Life

Back when I had loads of children under ten, I also had loads of frustration. Each day was like a box of chocolates; I never knew what I was going to get. No matter how I tried to be organized and create a “to-do” list, I never got … Read More…

One Habit That Will Immediately Improve Your Family Organization Problems

It’s crazy, this hoarding of “stuff.” Last week the kids and I scrambled through our entire 3500 square feet and pitched and burned. Now that the dust has settled, we feel about three van loads and two trash toters lighter (our normal cycle of family organization had been … Read More…

15 Unusually Fun Ways to Homeschool During Summer

Are you feeling guilty because you need to homeschool this summer but don’t have the heart to sit your kids down to hours of book work each day? You are not strange or irresponsible. You are actually a mom with sense! I know, I know, we love the … Read More…

7 Hacks for Excellent Homeschool Content from a Laid-back Mom of 15

Have you been effected by homeschool insanity? Sometimes it seems like a test to see how much cranium cramming can be done before lunch. No time for actually enjoying Pachelbel’s Canon in D, it’s just another requirement we hurry through to get to the Latin lesson to get … Read More…

Why Christian Women Should Stand Against Feminism

If you consider yourself a feminist, please read on. All of the nice principles you think you are supporting may have been misrepresented to you. To begin with, I would like to suggest something that isn’t widely known or accepted. It is this: The feminist movement was never … Read More…

7 Things Effective Homeschooling Moms Do

Don’t worry, Mom, effective homeschooling is not as hard as you think. I know you don’t believe me. You have been on Pinterest and you have been comparing (I do it, too). You want one of those planners with all of the spaces filled in correctly. You want … Read More…

How to Deal With Teen Tantrums

There’s no reason to hang your head in shame when you’re dealing with teen tantrums. Despite common assumptions, parents are rarely the blame. Sure, moms and dads can sometimes be great contributors via rough handling, poor example, or both. We are all used to seeing these modeled on … Read More…

Are You Doing Family Life the Right Way?

Most of us deeply desire a peaceful family life but we don’t know how to make it a reality. As women we like to begin by focusing in on our relationships with our children, and rightly so. I have actually written extensively here on my blog concerning ways … Read More…

Simplify Homeschooling for Teens with The Lesson Book

Have a few teens in your house? Then you know about that fine line, the one that makes you wobble between giving a young person the freedom to develop their own lives and the need to keep them from crashing in the process! When it comes to homeschooling, … Read More…

Cancel the Plans of the Devil for Your Family

There is a devil and right now he’s roaming the earth looking for anything he can consume.  Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 1 Peter 5:8 Is he eating up your family? Good intentions are not … Read More…