15 Happy Hacks for Spring Cleaning from a Mom of 15

Spring cleaning makes me happy, I just can’t help it!  Everything is beginning anew, and I am itching to do a whole-house reboot. After all, there are 10 of us who run around with dirty shoes and fling our dirty underwear into the hamper (hopefully). For me it goes … Read More…

Seven Backdoors to Learning for Exhausted Moms

Let’s face it; there are times when formal homeschooling is impossible. Such as… …when you are experiencing debilitating morning sickness, …when there is a new baby in the house, …when the whole house is recovering from the flu, …when the family is experiencing a move, …during a time … Read More…

The Truth About Math

Don’t let math intimidate you! Homeschooling has the clear advantage, trust me. This post outlines the down-and-dirty, nitty-gritty truth about math instruction; what it was, what it is, what it should be! First, what math instruction was…. Before the 20th century people didn’t care much about mathematics. Beyond … Read More…

How the Army Made Me a Better Mom

Almost any woman can give birth, but you and I know it takes hard work to become a good mother.  If you are like me, the babymoon gave you passionate love for your little one, but when the emotional high wore off, you needed something more. You needed … Read More…

From Soldier to Supermom

I can endure almost anything as a mom because I have been U. S. Army trained. Have you ever been 18 and gullible? Well, I certainly was. Besides being naïve, I thought I was very smart, which made it too easy for the recruiter who signed me up. … Read More…

Give Your Child a Spine

Watching the recent outbreak of violent protests causes us to ask one very important question: “Where did these unhinged young people come from?” The answer is disturbing, but it’s true; these frenzied French-fries came from us. We are the reason they cannot discern reality from fantasy. We are … Read More…

15 Grocery Shopping Hacks from a Mom of 15

Follow my blog with Bloglovin In our home grocery shopping is not incidental, it is MONUMENTAL ! We have to take out a back seat in our 15 passenger van to fit a major grocery-shop, and even then we have to use a few seats as well, and … Read More…

Don’t Forget to Disciple the Kids!

Rearing children is sort of like balancing on a high wire and juggling at the same time.   We want so much; our children need to be healthy, happy, well-adjusted, and, hopefully, heaven-bound. Sometimes while we are busy running to the doctor, or the store, or we are … Read More…

Tips and Tricks for Multiplication Memorization

Rote learning is not primary to a quality education, but it is essential. Take multiplication facts, for example. It is next to impossible for any higher math to be understood without having these down pat. The times I have rushed my children forward before they had memorized these … Read More…

True Christmas: Parenting Until it Hurts

This time of year gets me thinking about Mary. I wonder what it was like back then; pregnancy and childbirth in times where there were no cars or hospitals. She was most probably contracting while riding around town late at night on a donkey. I can’t imagine a … Read More…