Seven Backdoors to Learning for Exhausted Moms

Let’s face it; there are times when formal homeschooling is impossible. Such as… …when you are experiencing debilitating morning sickness, …when there is a new baby in the house, …when the whole house is recovering from the flu, …when the family is experiencing a move, …during a time … Read More…

How the Army Made Me a Better Mom

Almost any woman can give birth, but you and I know it takes hard work to become a good mother.  If you are like me, the babymoon gave you passionate love for your little one, but when the emotional high wore off, you needed something more. You needed … Read More…

From Soldier to Supermom

I can endure almost anything as a mom because I have been U. S. Army trained. Have you ever been 18 and gullible? Well, I certainly was. Besides being naïve, I thought I was very smart, which made it too easy for the recruiter who signed me up. … Read More…

Give Your Child a Spine

Watching the recent outbreak of violent protests causes us to ask one very important question: “Where did these unhinged young people come from?” The answer is disturbing, but it’s true; these frenzied French-fries came from us. We are the reason they cannot discern reality from fantasy. We are … Read More…

15 Grocery Shopping Hacks from a Mom of 15

Follow my blog with Bloglovin In our home grocery shopping is not incidental, it is MONUMENTAL ! We have to take out a back seat in our 15 passenger van to fit a major grocery-shop, and even then we have to use a few seats as well, and … Read More…

Don’t Forget to Disciple the Kids!

Rearing children is sort of like balancing on a high wire and juggling at the same time.   We want so much; our children need to be healthy, happy, well-adjusted, and, hopefully, heaven-bound. Sometimes while we are busy running to the doctor, or the store, or we are … Read More…

True Christmas: Parenting Until it Hurts

This time of year gets me thinking about Mary. I wonder what it was like back then; pregnancy and childbirth in times where there were no cars or hospitals. She was most probably contracting while riding around town late at night on a donkey. I can’t imagine a … Read More…

Homeschooling with Toddlers: Tips from a Mom of 15

I have to admit, homeschooling with toddlers has not always been smooth sailing. Our 15 children are spaced an average of 21 months apart, and between some there were only 14 months. At one time we had three under the age of three, and another time we had … Read More…

Gentle Grammar for Young Children

There is a stage where the gap between the ability to read and the ability to write is enormous. Of course, early efforts are so precious and endearing! What cold-hearted person could discourage such amazing beginnings, and yet… …I have observed that, if not corrected early-on, some habits … Read More…

Drawing to Learn for Effective Homeschooling

When it comes to rearing children, I am all for enforcing requirements and boundaries. In our house we make beds, wash dishes, brush teeth, respect the space and belongings of others, and answer with respect. I am also a great believer in giving children freedom wherever possible, and … Read More…