Elephant Homeschooling

Homeschool an Elephant

How do you homeschool an elephant? Let’s tackle this question. Why is homeschooling like an elephant? Because education is huge, colossal, and mammoth! It pretty much encompasses anything and everything a person needs to know, doesn’t it? Specifically, we are going to talk about how homeschooling is like … Read More…

how to be a pretty mom

How to Be a Pretty Mommy

Motherhood means sacrifice and virtue, but it also includes the cultivation of beauty. In this post we will explore how to be a pretty mommy. Recently a few of my viewers on YouTube asked if I would address the aesthetics side of motherhood. They actually accused me of … Read More…

Get Free From Mom Guilt

In this post we will discuss how to get free from mom guilt. If there’s one thing that steals mommy joy it has to be GUILT! Guilt is one of those necessary emotions. While it seems negative, actually one of the best things we can do is to … Read More…

Mom Life Simplified

An over-complicated life can kill our joy. We need mom life simplified. Clutter–it can steal, kill, and destroy! This is true when we talk about our physical surroundings and our time. It takes insane time and effort to keep our homes clean because we are constantly sloshing through … Read More…

Praying or Whining?

Whining Steals Joy

Sometimes our prayers aren’t prayers at all–they’re just whining sessions. When we whine, our joy dissipates, and things only get worse. Whining steals joy! In this post we are going to discuss how to reverse this trend and get our mommy joy back! We’re currently in a series … Read More…

The Comparison Trap

We can all fall into the trap of thinking that others have it easier or do things better or are more “normal” or holy than we are. I call this the Comparison Trap. It’s not healthy or helpful, but it is terribly commonplace. It’s especially prolific because the … Read More…

Don't quit homeschooling

Don’t Quit Homeschooling

It’s midwinter. We’re all taking a pause to look over our lives. In particular, we are taking time to reevaluate our homeschooling. When we take our children home to educate them, we become combatants in a war. Homeschooling challenges the systems that are engineered to destroy us (by … Read More…

Don’t Let Fear and Worry Steal Your Joy

Fear and Worry Can Steal a Mom’s Joy (There is a Free Christmas Gift for you at the bottom of this post.) Now, a parent who is not concerned about his/her children is not worthy to be called human! A certain amount of care and worry is not … Read More…

Large Families Are Not Poor

Despite what you’ve heard, large families are not poor. Children make you rich in the things that matter most. It’s true–our home holds a lot of people. We are a messy, noisy bunch, and we are not afraid to express ourselves! There is usually so much going on … Read More…

Make a homeschool sandwich

Make a Homeschool Sandwich

There is something conspicuously absent in our homeschooling. It’s not curricula. It’s not supplies. It’s not physical exercise. It’s not test preparation. It is something so simple that we rarely think about it, yet it is so profound that we are doomed to fail without it. I was … Read More…