Large Family Stress Reduction: Getting Ahead Part 2

In my last installment in this series, Large family crisis reduction: getting ahead {part 1}, we discussed the basic ideas behind doing things ahead, or, as Don Aslett puts it, creating a “frontlog” instead of a “backlog.” Of course there are times when even the best of plans … Read More…

Large Family Stress Reduction: Getting Ahead, Part 1

Are you constantly feeling like you are chasing one disaster after another, as if you are endlessly “running behind”? I know exactly what you mean… If you’ve never lived in a large family, it is probably hard to understand just how “dynamic” life can be! I grew up … Read More…

The Power of a Nap

People ask me how I have not only survived but thrived while mothering 15 children. First of all, I tell them I couldn’t do anything without the Lord. If it weren’t for Him I would be such a dark, horrific mess, but He walks with me, and He … Read More…

Good Moms Know How to Ignore

If you don’t develop the art of ignoring, you will crash and burn as a mother. Oh, yes, I believe in keeping a neat house, of doing things ahead, and of making life simple, but if you looked deep into my psyche and tried to learn the secrets … Read More…