Unit Study Adventures with G.A. Henty

I have heard so many people say they hate history, that it was their least favorite topic in school. Either that, or they just didn’t retain it or understand it. My own children are astonished when they hear such things. They just can’t fathom why anyone would not … Read More…

A Good Unit Study Plan

To my mind, a good unit study plan needs a little bit of structure and a whole lot of room to wiggle around and shoot off in all different directions.    In case you aren’t familiar with homeschool unit studies, here is a nutshell definition: Unit Studies approach … Read More…

More than 15 Homeschool Hacks from a Mom of 15

It doesn’t take a genius to educate a large family at home, but it does take quite a bit of focus and ingenuity. This is especially true when considering the direction and logistical details for another year of learning. If you are like me, you can use any … Read More…

Yes, You CAN Homeschool a Large Family!

The other day I was listening to an interview with a well-known author who questioned the idea of homeschooling a large family. She wasn’t being spiteful or mean, and from her perspective it was true; she only had four children and she was basing her assumptions on her … Read More…

12 Strategies for Large Family Homeschooling

Homeschooling our 15 children has made me really appreciate public school teachers! After all, teachers deal with whole classrooms of children at diverse backgrounds with different learning styles and needs every day. There is a real reason they devote a quite a lot of time to “classroom management.” … Read More…

Escape the Slavery of Grade Levels {printable}

Grade levels are not natural, and they are not necessary. They were meant to categorize people so that they could fit nicely into pegs and slots in the cold, massive factories we call public schools. Children are not products, they are human beings. Modern education systems see them … Read More…

I’m Not Afraid to Protect My Children

Call me crazy, but I have never left my newborn out in the street and expected her to crawl home. I never took my toddler to Walmart and left him in the store, expecting him to find his own way to the car. I don’t have the habit … Read More…

A Summer Project: Getting Children to Behave

When we homeschool we are facing two fronts; we are not only having to deal with the shortcomings of our children, but we are also being forced to face the realities of who we are (or aren’t). This, I believe, is the amazing aspect of teaching one’s own … Read More…

Are You Crazy Enough to Homeschool Your Children?

There was a time when homeschooling looked crazy and dangerous. I was convinced that it harmed children, and I was sure it could never work. But, here I am, 27 years later, still teaching reading, writing, and enjoying a host of amazing experiences with my 15 children. I’ve … Read More…

Large Family Stress Reduction: Streamlining

It could be said that most of our time is spent dealing with all of our “stuff.” We have to shuffle it around, polish it, maintain it, categorize it, pick it up, stow it, etc. This is only exacerbated when your family has been multiplied by love! Along … Read More…