FREE Simplified Lesson Sheet for McGuffey’s Readers

This post will explore a FREE simplified lesson sheet for McGuffey’s Readers. Do you have a child who can read better than they can write? We do. This little girl not only reads at a college level, but considers talking her favorite form of expression. In fact, she … Read More…

Homeschooling with Little Children

In this blog post we will discuss homeschooling with little children. The first part will be about books and curriculum, the second will be about putting a program together. What a privilege it is to homeschool little children. Their enthusiasm and zest are contagious, something we need so … Read More…

The Truth About Preschool

The Truth About Preschool

In this post we will be discussing the truth about preschool. I have all kinds of caring moms asking me about preschool, or at least telling me how advanced their preschoolers are. This is very familiar to me, as I was in the same mindset with our first … Read More…

Tour Our Homeschool Book Stash for Teens

This post includes a video of part of our homeschool book stash for teens along with a detailed list of the titles showcased. A lot of you have asked me just what to do with teens. I totally understand that question! I mean, if you have kids who … Read More…

Cheap Homeschooling With Composition Books

This post is about cheap homeschooling with composition books. Don’t let lack of money keep you from homeschooling! Learning does not have to be complicated and expensive. If you have enough money to purchase some composition books, and basic school supplies, you’re in business! Besides a recent video … Read More…

A Fun Alternative to Workbooks for Homeschooling

Instead of using an expensive, complicated, tiring curriculum for history, geography, and literature, why not try something new? This post will be all about a fun alternative to workbooks: Notebooking! “Notebooking” is not in the spelling dictionary of my computer, so it is one of those concepts that … Read More…

Amazing U. S. History Resources For Homeschooling

History doesn’t have to be boring. In fact, if you homeschool, you can take advantage of the best, most interesting methods and materials around. In this post I am sharing 10 amazing U.S. History resources I have discovered that I hope will help you as you homeschool your … Read More…

Why you should read Shakespeare this Summer

Why You Should Read Shakespeare This Summer

It has come to my attention that Shakespeare has been “cancelled.” But I’m not so sure of that. After all, his plays have survived multiple wars, famines, plagues, world conquerors, fascism, communism and just about everything in-between. Like it or not, they are here to stay. In fact, … Read More…

Homeschool With Peace

All of us wish we could homeschool with peace. However, I know (personally) that we moms struggle to find tranquility within our homes. Besides battling with dyslexia and dyscalculia, we have to fend off surly replies, sighs, whining, and worse. Youngsters at home are comfortable, so they don’t … Read More…

How to Teach a Homeschool Lesson

This post will deal with how to teach a homeschool lesson. When I first began teaching my kids I had no idea what I was doing. I had read a lot of books and talked to a lot of people, but not one of them could tell me … Read More…