How to Homeschool When Your Kids are Crazy and Your Husband is Cranky

Do you feel at the end of your rope, pulled apart by the demands from all ends of your life? Here’s the way one dear mama put it: Could you help me please? My husband says he wants to put the kids in public school because our lives … Read More…

HELP! My Kids Are Driving Me Crazy!

I hear it everywhere I go. In fact, it is the subject of the majority of email questions I receive. Moms feel frustrated and defeated. They are also weighed down with grief and guilt at their own reactive behavior. First of all, let me say that I get … Read More…

Unit Studies for Real Moms

Unit studies can be as fancy or simple as you want them to be, but they should never be overwhelming! If you have tried unit studies and been disappointed, or just can’t figure out quite how to do them, this post is for you! First of all, just … Read More…

Three Homeschooling Mamas You Should Know

If you are like me, you have little time to spend actually reading blog posts. I tend to be quite focused. I only visit sites that will answer my questions or teach me something I desperately need to know. If I decide to follow a blogger and read her … Read More…

How We Homeschool: Mom of 15 Shares the Details

So…as I have promised, here is how we are doing it. Please keep in mind, this is only a snapshot. If you took a picture of how we did it 20 years ago, you may have not recognized it as the same thing. We have adapted according to … Read More…

How to Homeschool With Composition Books

If you’re looking for a low-cost, low-stress way to homeschool, why not try composition books? I know they aren’t impressive by themselves, but with just a few ideas, tips, and directions they can become the best way to give your children a top-notch education! You see, these are … Read More…

How to Find More Time with Homeschool Lunchboxes

Homeschooling moms need a 30 hour day–don’t you agree? Since that’s never going to happen, we have to find ways to use the 24 hours we already have. One better way to use the time we are allotted is with homeschool lunchboxes. “But Sherry, packing a lunch seems … Read More…

20 Ways to Survive a Hotel Stay With Lots of Kids

A hotel stay with lots of kids doesn’t have to become a horror film! In fact, you can turn a hotel stay into a great family memory. How do I know?–because our large family (17 of us) has done it for years! You can read more about our … Read More…

15 Homeschool Hacks for Pregnancy and Childbirth

Babies and homeschooling; is it possible to mix both? Most people think a mom of 15 should know! In fact, recently a dear mama sent me a question which inspired this entire post: I was wondering if you could give me some advice and insight. Here’s what I’m … Read More…

How to Conquer Mom Frustration

Do you ever find yourself feeling “burnt”? I mean, like you can’t find even a second to catch your breath? There is a place where a mother of many children can find herself worn to a frazzle. It’s a constant state of mom frustration, which leads to anger, which leads … Read More…