survivor homeschooling

Survivor Homeschooling

Since I’ve been a bit under-the-weather lately, I’ve been binge-watching episodes of the reality show Alone. I rarely dabble into “reality” TV, mostly because I don’t consider it to be real, and also because I normally don’t watch much TV. However, this one was recommended to me by … Read More…

Socialized or Civilized Homeschoolers

Homeschooled Children don’t need to be socialized, but they do need to be civilized. Socialization is a crock. It is the over emphasis of the natural tendency of mankind to flock together. This “flocking” can be good when it is led by God (such as in the first … Read More…

raising ladies

Raising Ladies

I really sense at times that God is using this space on the Net to speak specific things to certain people. This time it was something about womanly confidence, and so I began writing and researching all about it. I wasn’t satisfied with my research. It was all … Read More…

you can homeschool teens without fear

Why You Can Homeschool Your Teens

So, your children are growing up. You’ve been enjoying the learning journey so far (except for maybe learning to read and long division), but the years ahead are blurry and unsure. Are you really capable of facing the years ahead? I say YES–you can homeschool your teens! And … Read More…

Homeschool Commonplace Book Primary Edition

In this post we will discuss what a commonplace book is and how it is helpful for homeschooling. Then you will have the opportunity to download a free commonplace book (and find out how you can purchase one already printed and bound in the next few days). The … Read More…

Balancing Love and Discipline: A Biblical View of Parenting

Good parenting is a matter of balancing love and discipline. We live in a therapeutic society. This is because we have adopted the ideals of humanism, not Christianity, as the foundation of our culture. Humanism summed up says,”It’s all about ME.” In other words, the “self” is the … Read More…

The Essential Role of Aprons for Mommies: Protection and Convenience

Every serious-minded mommy needs to have the best equipment at her disposal. By far, one of the best things I’ve ever used in my mothering career is my apron! What do aprons do for mommies? They protect our clothes from: They give places for us to carry our … Read More…

peaceful home, peaceful homeschooling

Creating a Peaceful Home for Stress-Free Homeschooling

Having a peaceful home leads to peaceful homeschooling. When we get our household running on rails of habit and routine, we find we have more “brain space,” time, and energy for all of the learning activities with our children. First, a letter to myself when I was first … Read More…

Homeschool Cheating for Holistic Learning

Our children need to learn about tests and grades and deadlines, but only as subservient to the bigger picture of a holistic existence. We don’t serve tests, grades and deadlines…we serve God and His purposes, and come under those things only as they fit HIS agenda. We need … Read More…

the golden key to homeschooing

Key to Homeschooling

This post we will be discussing the golden key to homeschooling. Can you guess what it is? Well, it’s a Biblical principle. Actually, it’s the way Jesus taught His disciples. It’s also the core way we teach our children from birth on. Here’s a verse as another hint: … Read More…