Keep Track of Homeschooling with One Simple Sheet

If there’s one thing I know about homeschooling, it’s that learning happens all of the time! Not just Monday through Friday. Not just between the hours of eight am and three pm. No, learning happens before six in the morning, and sometimes even after midnight in the evening. … Read More…

Three Homeschooling Mamas You Should Know

If you are like me, you have little time to spend actually reading blog posts. I tend to be quite focused. I only visit sites that will answer my questions or teach me something I desperately need to know. If I decide to follow a blogger and read her … Read More…

How to Create Your Own Amazingly Simple Cursive Program

Researchers are confirming what educators have known since the dawn of time; handwritten work increases retention, comprehension, and higher brain function. On some levels this sounds counter-intuitive, even “archaic,” in an age where we are surrounded by digital devices. Many are arguing children need to have more keyboarding … Read More…

How We Homeschool: Mom of 15 Shares the Details

So…as I have promised, here is how we are doing it. Please keep in mind, this is only a snapshot. If you took a picture of how we did it 20 years ago, you may have not recognized it as the same thing. We have adapted according to … Read More…

How to Build the Ultimate Homeschool Method

If you are like me, sifting through homeschool methods is so mind-boggling! Each one sounds so promising, and the testimonies are so convincing. Yet, using them in “real life” can be so overwhelming. In fact, I just about went crazy trying to find one that fit. Finally, I … Read More…

How to Find More Time with Homeschool Lunchboxes

Homeschooling moms need a 30 hour day–don’t you agree? Since that’s never going to happen, we have to find ways to use the 24 hours we already have. One better way to use the time we are allotted is with homeschool lunchboxes. “But Sherry, packing a lunch seems … Read More…

More than 15 Homeschool Hacks from a Mom of 15

It doesn’t take a genius to educate a large family at home, but it does take quite a bit of focus and ingenuity. This is especially true when considering the direction and logistical details for another year of learning. If you are like me, you can use any … Read More…