Respecting Birth stories from a mom of 15

Respecting Childbirth With a Mom of 15

This post is another installment in our “unit study” for mommies on Babies. In earlier portions of this unit study we have covered things such as the myth of overpopulation and other general aspects of allowing children into our lives. Today we will focus on respecting childbirth. I … Read More…

What Babies Do To Us Mom of 15

Does Having Babies Make Logical Sense?

This is the sixth part of our unit study for mommies about babies. In earlier “lessons,” we covered the myth of overpopulation and the grimy roots of reproductive “rights” (which I like to refer to as “reproductive manipulation). Today we are going more towards the practical application. This … Read More…

We Need More Babies and a Free Download of the Commonplace Book No. 2

One thing I am not; I am not an expert demographer sitting behnid a desk running numbers and formulating a top-down strategy to be foisted on society “for the good of humanity.” I am also not a young woman with butterflies fluttering around in her head who says, … Read More…

Christmas, Parenting, and Crazy Love

This time of year gets me thinking about Mary. I wonder what it was like back then; pregnancy and childbirth in times where there were no cars or hospitals. She was most probably contracting while riding around town late at night on a donkey. I can’t imagine a … Read More…

15 Morning Sickness Hacks from a Mom of 15

Green, sick, and awful, that’s how I have always felt the first few months of my pregnancies. Someone even accused me of being a glutton for punishment because I volunteered for so many! Of course, I know the benefits outweigh the difficulties, but it’s hard to stay positive … Read More…

15 Homeschool Hacks for Pregnancy and Childbirth

Babies and homeschooling; is it possible to mix both? Most people think a mom of 15 should know! In fact, recently a dear mama sent me a question which inspired this entire post: I was wondering if you could give me some advice and insight. Here’s what I’m … Read More…

reasons moms should include eggs in their family's diet. frugal nutrition, real food,

Why Mommies Should Love Eggs

Mommies should be egg-static about eggs because they are amazingly nutritious, CHEAP, and easy to fix. Here is the low-down on why they are so marvelous: 1.Eggs are excellent nutrition. Read this from Authority Nutrition: Whole eggs are so nutritious that they’re often called “nature’s multivitamin.” Here is … Read More…

How to Become a Peaceful Mom

Moms can, and must, find peace.  When they don’t, they become a menace to their families. I know all about it, peace that is, and that’s saying a lot. People don’t believe me. They say it’s not possible for a mom of 15 to know even the meaning … Read More…

Seven Backdoors to Learning for Exhausted Moms

Let’s face it; there are times when formal homeschooling is impossible. Such as… …when you are experiencing debilitating morning sickness, …when there is a new baby in the house, …when the whole house is recovering from the flu, …when the family is experiencing a move, …during a time … Read More…

True Christmas: Parenting Until it Hurts

This time of year gets me thinking about Mary. I wonder what it was like back then; pregnancy and childbirth in times where there were no cars or hospitals. She was most probably contracting while riding around town late at night on a donkey. I can’t imagine a … Read More…