Large Family Stress Reduction: Facing it!

This post is not about looking one’s responsibilities straight in the eye, although that is a good subject to cover! No, this post will be all about creating a “neat” out of a mess! It’s obvious that, no matter how we try and keep a lid on clutter, … Read More…

Large Family Stress Reduction: Getting Ahead Part 2

In my last installment in this series, Large family crisis reduction: getting ahead {part 1}, we discussed the basic ideas behind doing things ahead, or, as Don Aslett puts it, creating a “frontlog” instead of a “backlog.” Of course there are times when even the best of plans … Read More…

Large Family Stress Reduction: Getting Ahead, Part 1

Are you constantly feeling like you are chasing one disaster after another, as if you are endlessly “running behind”? I know exactly what you mean… If you’ve never lived in a large family, it is probably hard to understand just how “dynamic” life can be! I grew up … Read More…

Five Things That Steal Motherly Joy and How to Avoid Them

Did you know that motherhood is supposed to be joyful? I know that this is not a popular perspective. There are so many embittered souls who are willing to share one horror story after another, or who say, “Just wait until…” He makes the barren woman abide in … Read More…

Is “The Pill” Evil?

When I was a child there were only two, or sometimes three, channels to turn to on the television set, so when the news came on there was no escape!  Even though I would have done almost anything to avoid such boring adult dribble, my parents insisted in … Read More…