The Jig is Up: Public Schooling is Wrecking America

The socialist, globalist agenda is a definite threat to our country, but it wouldn’t have a chance if it weren’t for public schooling and higher education. Wherever is found what is called paternal government, there is found state education. It has been discovered that the best way to … Read More…

More than 15 Homeschool Hacks from a Mom of 15

It doesn’t take a genius to educate a large family at home, but it does take quite a bit of focus and ingenuity. This is especially true when considering the direction and logistical details for another year of learning. If you are like me, you can use any … Read More…

Yes, You CAN Homeschool a Large Family!

The other day I was listening to an interview with a well-known author who questioned the idea of homeschooling a large family. She wasn’t being spiteful or mean, and from her perspective it was true; she only had four children and she was basing her assumptions on her … Read More…

Are You Crazy Enough to Homeschool Your Children?

There was a time when homeschooling looked crazy and dangerous. I was convinced that it harmed children, and I was sure it could never work. But, here I am, 27 years later, still teaching reading, writing, and enjoying a host of amazing experiences with my 15 children. I’ve … Read More…

When You Feel Like Giving Up on Homeschooling

Discouragement, failure, comparison; these are all ideas that swirl around in our heads from time-to-time. There have been days when I was certain I was ruining my own children forever, or that they never would be able to make it, or that “other people” were doing so much … Read More…