Dear reader, God has such a great surprise headed our way! In these last days we are going to witness His glory move unmistakably. One way we are going to see this happen is through prophetic homemaking.
If you are interested in listening to the podcast, here it is:
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“Uh, Sherry, now how can women at home do anything important for the Kingdoe of God?” I can hear you saying.
Well, we think this way because we are earthly-minded, instead of Kingdom-minded. We are accustomed to thinking of important people as being in the limelight or lording it over others. But remember the first martyr, or remember the disciple who was miraculously transported to the desert to help the Ethiopian?
These two were Stephen and Philip. They were among the seven who were known for being “full of the Spirit and wisdom” in Acts 6:2. They were not teachers or preachers, they were waiting on tables, serving the widows. And yet, God made it a point to include them in the account of the early church.
As Jesus taught us, it’s the servants of all who are the favored ones, and moms at home fit this bill perfectly!
From scripture we have an idea of what God expects us to do, no matter what we see on the horizon:
So he called ten of his servants, delivered to them ten minas, and said to them, ‘Do business till I come.’
Luke 19:13
This means we are to be busy about His business of the Kingdom of God until He comes back.
He also told us to pray this:
Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Matthew 6:10
Now, God has ways and means that we are supposed to do this. Some are called to be pastors, and preachers, and leaders, and inventors, and just about every other profession.
But here is where I am most effective; as the wife of my husband and the mother and grandmother to my children and grandchildren.
I have been commissioned by my Heavenly Father to occupy myself with His business by bringing His Kingdom in the earth in my home.
the older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things— that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed.
Titus 2:3-5
I have been asked to create an atmosphere where the Holy Spirit can make His abode, no matter if I live in a hut, a tract home, or a mansion.
This is the opposite of the homes we have seen portrayed in the media. Now multiple generations of people have undergone the onslaught of “sit coms” and other forms of media. These are attempts to destroy the institution God has established in the earth to be the godly bedrock of the nations. Here is what we have learned from this brainwashing:
- Back biting
- Lying and deceit
- Jealousy
- Selfishness and self-preservation
- Strife
- Pride
- Devouring each other
But this is what God wants for our homes:
- Love
- Joy
- Peace
- Patience
- Kindness
- Goodness
- Faithfulness
- Gentleness
- Self-control
This does not come from behavior modification–that is not of God, it is of the devil and is a counterfeit of God’s best. No, this can only come about by the power of the Holy Spirit.
We want God’s glory to rest on our abodes just as it rested on the Temple of God.
Yes, in this world we will have tribulation, but Jesus overcame it. If we reach out to Him, He will lend us His hand and His strength to overcome and sit up above the destruction of this earth.
In order to be effective in making God’s attributes and presence institutions in our domain, we must have powerful equipment. This is not a religious “behavior modification” program. This is empowerment via the gifts of the Spirit.
- Word of Knowledge. Knowing things that it is not humanly possible to know about people and situations. If you live with people, you cannot do without this one.
- Word of Wisdom. The ability to apply the Word of Knowledge. This way we know when to speak, when to be silent, and when to take action, and when to be passive.
- Gift of Prophecy. “Therefore, brethren, desire earnestly to prophesy…”—1 Corinthians 14:39. This one is a word given to build others up. Our families cannot consist without this one operating in and through.
- Gift of Faith. We cannot be at peace unless we can operate in faith. Our peace will effect the rest of the people in our home.
- Gifts of Healings. This is both for our own health and the health of others. In the coming days we will need more of these than ever.
- Working of Miracles. Ever experience more month than money? I have seen this gift of miracles work over and over again in the rearing of our 15 children. We do not know just how much we will come to rely on this gift in the near future.
- Discerning of Spirits. Whether we like it or not, this is the time of open spiritual operation in the natural existence of the earth. There is no escaping it. If we do not have the Spirit guiding us, we may be deceived, and that could be tragic. As things are being introduced via the media and people our family members come into contact with, we need to be able to determine whether these things are of God or of the devil.
- Different Kinds of Tongues. OK, I’m going to drop a bombshell here; I am a tongue-talker. I know this is controversial for some of you, but I’m willing to risk it. I could not have thrived as the mother of 15 children without the ability to commune with God via speaking in tongues (in fact, I wish I had done it more). It is so helpful to be able to remove myself from stressful situations and speak to God in a way that does not depend on my mental or emotional state. In case you need more information, try this link with a very balanced article that will help explain my position on this. (Do you still love me?)
- Interpretations of Tongues. This is a gift that goes with tongues when believers are gathered together and need ministry from the Lord. One gives the tongues message, another interprets. This can also operate when we are praying by ourselves; we can pray in the Spirit and ask that God give us a cognitive interpretation so we can apply it to our lives.
(For more information, try this great article on the gifts of the Spirit.)
These are unprecedented times. We cannot move forward in the same manner we have been used to. The forces of evil are fighting harder than ever before to take control of every facet of our lives, and, ultimately, to decimate us. They are becoming bold, and their secret plans and practices are being uncovered and brought into the light of day.
But, as the Apostle Paul said, ..”none of these things move me.” And God says:
Why do the nations rage,
And the people plot a vain thing?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
And the rulers take counsel together,
Against the Lord and against His Anointed, saying,“Let us break Their bonds in pieces
And cast away Their cords from us.”He who sits in the heavens shall laugh;
The Lord shall hold them in derision.
Then He shall speak to them in His wrath,
And distress them in His deep displeasure:
“Yet I have set My King
On My holy hill of Zion.”“I will declare the decree:
The Lord has said to Me,
‘You are My Son,
Today I have begotten You.
Ask of Me, and I will give You
The nations for Your inheritance,
And the ends of the earth for Your possession.
You shall break them with a rod of iron;
You shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.’ ”Now therefore, be wise, O kings;
Psalm 2, NKJV
Be instructed, you judges of the earth.
Serve the Lord with fear,
And rejoice with trembling.
Kiss the Son, lest He be angry,
And you perish in the way,
When His wrath is kindled but a little.
Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him.

Did you catch that? We put our trust in Him, and we are blessed. No politician, no billionaire, no “health official” can take that away from us. We are His, and we dwell in the secret place of the Most High. He is called the “Lord of Hosts”–the Lord of Angel Armies! While the devil is pouring out evil, God trumps it all by pouring out His glory and His Spirit.
Go Sherry! I’m a tongue-talker too! Can’t wait to listen on the podcast!
Glad to know ya–hope you enjoy it!
Love the gift of speaking in tongues. Wouldn’t know what to do whithout it. It is the secret weapon that keeps us sane and strong. You need no one to keep you on fire. Just speak in tongues.
I am not speaking in tongues anymore after knowing the Bible better. Watch ‘The Revelation of Jesus Christ’ by Tyler Doka on You Tube. Biblical truth, mindblowing, life changing…
Sweetheart, RUN from this deception!
I truly enjoyed listening. Such truths and joy have been placed on my heart! Praying and thankful to our Father in heaven.
Blessings to you!
Thank you so much! Glad you were encouraged 🙂
I’m having trouble finding your podcast on Google podcasts. The name of the podcast is Mom Delights?
I just checked on that–looks like it will take just a little while before it’s available. I did try and expedite the process, but when I checked again just now it still wasn’t available. I think if you keep checking back, you’ll find it on their in just a little while. Hope this helps!
It does, thank you.
Is there an Android app that I can download to listen to your podcasts on my phone?
I believe I am on Spotify. I am trying to get on iTunes, but there is something broken. God will help me figure it out
Yes speaking in tongues is awesome. I thank God for it!
Happy you’re still sharing on your blog and your new podcast. Keep it coming!!!
I love hearing your testimony and the story of your husband getting the lamps. I have had similar miracles also and remember thinking…”Man, what was I doing to that poor man (my husband). He was simply obeying God and I was questioning what God was doing. Story: We were car shopping and had (we thought) settled on a VW and were headed down the interstate to that dealership after looking and talking to salesmen and comparing prices-we were ready to purchase. All of a sudden, my husband decides to get off the exit and go the opposite direction to a completely different dealership. I was thinking, “What in the world?” Well when we pulled into this other dealership in a not-so-good part of town, (like the kind you lock your doors when you drive though, lol) we went inside the tire shop whose owner just sells cars on the lot. Inside the shop was gospel tract and bibles and the kindest service we’d ever seen at a tire shop. The owner was a believer and sold us a Ford Fusion for less than blue book value and told us if anything was found wrong, bring it back and he will fix it for us for free. Not only that, but we were able to pray for him because he was battling cancer at that time and were able to help him out. I will never forget how God led us to this gem of a car lot in the middle of a bad location and used my husband to find us the best deal of a car-we had no problems with that vehicle. God is so good!
What an amazing testimony; thanks for sharing 🙂
MY GOD! Hallelujah ! I needed this word of encouragement today. I have been discouraged in this new journey, not knowing exactly what to do each day as a SAHM (for the first time after 2 kids), but this word was a great reminder and encouragement of what God had already spoken to me. Thank you, my sister in Christ. God bless!
Oh Sherry!
This was a breath of fresh air. Thank you for being a Titus 2 older woman that is coming alongside (via internet) the younger and ministering. I love your stories! I have walked closely with the Lord for years and never spoken in tongues. Must not be my gift. ??? Love your lamp story!!! 🙂
I’m glad you enjoyed it! As for the tongues, it’s not necessary to salvation, just a nice perk. It helps to have someone lay hands on you to receive (it was my step-grandmother who did it for me).
I’m in tears right now, Sherry, having just read this. Thank you so so much for your great obedience to the Lord.
I was blessed to receive the gift of tongues when I was a new believer 15 years ago. Since then, I have gone up and down in my understanding of it’s purpose, and have even questioned if it was just something that I was doing somehow of my own accord. It is so so good to see put into words what I already knew about it, but second-guessed myself on too often. It is such a good reminder to use it to build myself up. I could have used it this morning, and I would probably have avoided performing some very embarrassing behavior in front of my children, when I squished my finger in a drawer in the fridge .
I have been spending the evening, as everyone is in bed, seeking the Lord on how to start my day, getting filled with His Holy Spirit, so I could respond better to life’s challenges, and God has used you, once again to help .
(Your T.H.E has stuck with me since I first heard it a few years ago, and I try to do it every morning)
I originally came here to look for something you referenced in one of your recent videos, but was drawn to this part of your site. I’m so thankful that I did!
May God continue to lavish His Grace, Peace, Joy, Love and Favour on you and your family!
Hallelujah! So glad God was able to bless you in this way 🙂