Five Things That Steal Motherly Joy and How to Avoid Them

Did you know that motherhood is supposed to be joyful? I know that this is not a popular perspective. There are so many embittered souls who are willing to share one horror story after another, or who say, “Just wait until…” He makes the barren woman abide in … Read More…

How to Place Your Children in the McGuffey Readers

As I have been doing a few videos on using the McGuffey’s for homeschooling the same question continues to be asked: How do I know what level to put my child in? I know this is a quandary, especially when considering that these wonderful books do not go … Read More…

Using the McGuffey Readers for Progressing Readers and Writers

As promised, I have uploaded my next installment on how I use the “McG’s” as we affectionately call them.


This time my focus is on those who are reading on their own, but need further practice and guidance as they are developing their skills. I also offer some general practical advice on homeschooling.


I am having so much fun doing these! I can’t wait until I can set these things up for another round of video sharing–hope you enjoy!


The McGuffey Readers for Beginning Readers

I know in my last post I introduced the McGuffey readers. I hope you came away with some valuable information and are a bit less mystified. In this installment of my video chats I try to give a general idea of how I use these marvelous books to teach “emerging” readers and writers. I hope you enjoy!

You can…

The Power of a Nap

People ask me how I have not only survived but thrived while mothering 15 children. First of all, I tell them I couldn’t do anything without the Lord. If it weren’t for Him I would be such a dark, horrific mess, but He walks with me, and He … Read More…

Video Intro to the McGuffey Readers

Because I have received so many requests about the McGuffey readers, I thought I would sit down and record a few short chats on the subject.

Nothing posh or polished, just me in our basement “school” room (you might see a child streaking behind me about half-way through!).

More to come!

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A Wise Woman Builds Her Home

When You Feel Like Giving Up on Homeschooling

Discouragement, failure, comparison; these are all ideas that swirl around in our heads from time-to-time. There have been days when I was certain I was ruining my own children forever, or that they never would be able to make it, or that “other people” were doing so much … Read More…

The Missing Ingredient in Homeschooling

There is something conspicuously absent in our homeschooling. It’s not curricula. It’s not supplies. It’s not physical exercise. It’s not test preparation. It is something so simple that we rarely think about it, yet it is so profound that we are doomed to fail without it. I was … Read More…

Are Large Families Poor?

There is a prosperity that only includes what you own, but it doesn’t touch who you are. It’s true–in our home of currently 11 people, we are a messy, noisy bunch, and we are not afraid to express ourselves! There is usually so much going on that it … Read More…

Good Moms Know How to Ignore

If you don’t develop the art of ignoring, you will crash and burn as a mother. Oh, yes, I believe in keeping a neat house, of doing things ahead, and of making life simple, but if you looked deep into my psyche and tried to learn the secrets … Read More…