Trust God With Your Family Size

How to Decide If You Can Afford a Big Family: Insights from a Mom of 15

There is just one question you need to answer when deciding on your family size. I want to share this question with you, but first I would like to explain a few things. Did you know that, based on numbers put forth by the United States Government, in … Read More…

Respecting Birth stories from a mom of 15

Respecting Childbirth With a Mom of 15

This post is another installment in our “unit study” for mommies on Babies. In earlier portions of this unit study we have covered things such as the myth of overpopulation and other general aspects of allowing children into our lives. Today we will focus on respecting childbirth. I … Read More…

Why I Love Babies II Mom of 15 Shares Her Story

Why I Love Babies

Having babies is not an end, it is a means. It is a means to growing in faith, to learning more about God, to learning more about ourselves, to pleasing God, to blessing the world. It is not the only means to these things. For some, not being … Read More…

What Babies Do To Us Mom of 15

Does Having Babies Make Logical Sense?

This is the sixth part of our unit study for mommies about babies. In earlier “lessons,” we covered the myth of overpopulation and the grimy roots of reproductive “rights” (which I like to refer to as “reproductive manipulation). Today we are going more towards the practical application. This … Read More…

The Grimy History of Reproductive Rights

We’ve been talking about having babies lately, and as the mother of 15 children, I believe I have earned the right to be heard on this subject. Today we will specifically cover the grimy history of reproductive rights. In the first post/podcast of this series I explained that … Read More…

the overpopulation myth

There is No Population Bomb

Population Bomb Turned Bust Following is the second installment in our “unit study” on babies. You can read (or listen to) the first installment here. This series is not about guilting people to have children for the good of the planet, or the global economy, or any other … Read More…

We Need More Babies and a Free Download of the Commonplace Book No. 2

One thing I am not; I am not an expert demographer sitting behnid a desk running numbers and formulating a top-down strategy to be foisted on society “for the good of humanity.” I am also not a young woman with butterflies fluttering around in her head who says, … Read More…

The Truth About Preschool

The Truth About Preschool

In this post we will be discussing the truth about preschool. I have all kinds of caring moms asking me about preschool, or at least telling me how advanced their preschoolers are. This is very familiar to me, as I was in the same mindset with our first … Read More…

What to Think When You Feel Overwhelmed

The new video will really help my fellow creatives. There really is such a thing as too much fun, and do I ever know it! What I have learned to do is narrow down my choices and reduce the amount of details I have to attend to. In … Read More…

Ultimate Homemaking Bundle Flash Sale!

*This post contains affiliate links It’s not like you expected homemaking to be a piece of cake. But you had no idea you’d be so tired, frustrated, and overwhelmed, right? I’ve often felt the same way. When I first became a wife and mom years ago, I needed … Read More…