Cancel the Plans of the Devil for Your Family

There is a devil and right now he’s roaming the earth looking for anything he can consume.  Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. 1 Peter 5:8 Is he eating up your family? Good intentions are not … Read More…

The Lesson Book: Easiest Way to Charlotte Mason Style Homeschooling

I’ve got something so amazing to share with you today that I almost cannot contain myself! It’s something that has been in the works or a long, long time; something that could revolutionize the way you do Charlotte Mason Homeschooling. It’s what we have named “The Lesson Book.” … Read More…

What Are Your God Goals for 2018?

Losing weight, flossing regularly, spending less, getting more organized…these are among the resolutions most of us make at the turn of the year. These are all great, but do we have “God Goals”? Are the resolutions we make shaped by our own thinking or by His? For as the heavens are … Read More…

15 Holiday Hacks from a Mom of 15

My ultimate Christmas dream is a quiet dinner, a modest Christmas tree, a few gifts opened while soft Christmas carols play in the background… However, my husband is the opposite. He is Santa Claus. Really, I’m not kidding. He loves everything about the season, even listens to Christmas … Read More…

Customer Service at Home

There was a time when I lived pretty much according to how I felt. If I awoke groggy, I was grumpy. If I had a stomach ache, others had to hear about it. I was under the false impression that I didn’t have any choice. After all, I … Read More…

Introducing Large Family Life: Video Conversations with a Mom of 15

Blogging has changed a lot since I started in 2005. Back then you could write about what you had for dinner and who got sick that week and everyone loved it! Today there is so much out there, so many choices, so many other things to do other … Read More…

Ultimate Homemaking Bundle Flash Sale!

*This post contains affiliate links It’s not like you expected homemaking to be a piece of cake. But you had no idea you’d be so tired, frustrated, and overwhelmed, right? I’ve often felt the same way. When I first became a wife and mom years ago, I needed … Read More…

How to Become a Tolerant Mom

We all like peace and order, don’t we? We like to know our favorite scissors will always be just where we put them last, or we can talk on the phone without competing with screaming in the background, or we can open the bathroom door without fear and … Read More…

How to Homeschool When Your Kids are Crazy and Your Husband is Cranky

Do you feel at the end of your rope, pulled apart by the demands from all ends of your life? Here’s the way one dear mama put it: Could you help me please? My husband says he wants to put the kids in public school because our lives … Read More…

Homeschool Without College

A college education does not guarantee success. In fact, it may kill true success altogether. How do I know? I follow what is coming out of colleges and universities all over the nation. The fallout of our liberal, ego-inflating, extremely expensive higher education system is too ugly to … Read More…