Unit Study Adventures with G.A. Henty

I have heard so many people say they hate history, that it was their least favorite topic in school. Either that, or they just didn’t retain it or understand it. My own children are astonished when they hear such things. They just can’t fathom why anyone would not … Read More…

Encouragement for Stay-at-Home Saints

If you are knee-deep in the stomach flu, or teething, or broken appliances, or just having a hard time keeping up with the responsibilities of life, you should consider your holy estate. You are more than a mere stay-at-home mom, you are a stay-at-home saint. Saints, prophets, and … Read More…

A Good Unit Study Plan

To my mind, a good unit study plan needs a little bit of structure and a whole lot of room to wiggle around and shoot off in all different directions.    In case you aren’t familiar with homeschool unit studies, here is a nutshell definition: Unit Studies approach … Read More…

Large Family Stress Reduction: Ordering

An emergency can pop up at any time!  One that I recall vividly occurred a number of years ago. Our (then) four-year-old daughter was seriously injured in our new house before it was completely built. She had stepped into an open heater vent and managed to shave the … Read More…

More than 15 Homeschool Hacks from a Mom of 15

It doesn’t take a genius to educate a large family at home, but it does take quite a bit of focus and ingenuity. This is especially true when considering the direction and logistical details for another year of learning. If you are like me, you can use any … Read More…

family hacks

15 Family Hacks from a Mom of 15

Yes, I am the mother of 15 children. It’s not really that many; I know all of their names in order and even have their birthdays memorized (I suppose being involved in their births makes it a bit easier for me to remember). Walking, running, and leaping down … Read More…

Yes, You CAN Homeschool a Large Family!

The other day I was listening to an interview with a well-known author who questioned the idea of homeschooling a large family. She wasn’t being spiteful or mean, and from her perspective it was true; she only had four children and she was basing her assumptions on her … Read More…

Large Family Road Trip Food: Tips from a Mom of 15

Family road trip food does not have to mean a messy, junk-food, free-for-all. There are ways to pack snacks and meals that save money, time and mess! If you have been keeping up with my series on traveling as a large family, you will remember that we started … Read More…

Large Family Travel: Lodging Tips From a Mom of 15

Finding decent lodging for a large family is not impossible! As far as large family travel goes, finding lodging is a major concern. If you have been following along, you will remember that we started traveling back when we had nine children, the oldest 14, and we continued … Read More…

Extreme Packing Tips from a Mom of 15 {tutorial}

Packing clothing for a few days’ trip takes some organization for any sized family, but when that family includes a number of small children, the task can seem daunting!   As I related in this earlier post, we started traveling regularly as a family back when we had … Read More…