EXTREME Family Road Trips: Mom of 15 Tells All!

Large family road trips don’t have to be a logistical nightmare! I am the mother of 15 children and I have not only gone on numerous road trips with my family, but I’ve actually been able to enjoy myself and relax while doing it. Of course, this hasn’t happened … Read More…

12 Strategies for Large Family Homeschooling

Homeschooling our 15 children has made me really appreciate public school teachers! After all, teachers deal with whole classrooms of children at diverse backgrounds with different learning styles and needs every day. There is a real reason they devote a quite a lot of time to “classroom management.” … Read More…

Give Your Family a Space Vacation

Families, especially large ones, need space. Not necessarily space in terms of square-footage, but space in terms of Unscheduled Time. Our family seems to crave this, and so we try and make it part of the rhythm of our lives. While the activities and requirements of existence must … Read More…

Escape the Slavery of Grade Levels {printable}

Grade levels are not natural, and they are not necessary. They were meant to categorize people so that they could fit nicely into pegs and slots in the cold, massive factories we call public schools. Children are not products, they are human beings. Modern education systems see them … Read More…

How to be nice to Your Family

Whether or not to be nice to my big family is a decision I have to make daily.   Long ago I realized that we as women can be life-givers, or we can bring death. While we carry human life in our bodies, we can also speak words … Read More…

You Don’t Have to be Super Mom

Super powers? Not a chance. Yes, I am the homeschooling mom of 15 children, but there is truly nothing special about me.   Here I am shopping, or banking, or at church… I am having a fine conversation with someone; we are discussing the weather or the Lord … Read More…

Saving the Little Lambs

Sheep are really rather silly!  They jump over imaginary obstacles, panic easily, and mindlessly follow the first sheep that makes a break for it.  They really are followers. A tame hand-reared (poddy) lamb or sheep can be used to lead the rest of the flock to the sheep … Read More…

A Summer Project: Getting Children to Behave

When we homeschool we are facing two fronts; we are not only having to deal with the shortcomings of our children, but we are also being forced to face the realities of who we are (or aren’t). This, I believe, is the amazing aspect of teaching one’s own … Read More…

Are You Crazy Enough to Homeschool Your Children?

There was a time when homeschooling looked crazy and dangerous. I was convinced that it harmed children, and I was sure it could never work. But, here I am, 27 years later, still teaching reading, writing, and enjoying a host of amazing experiences with my 15 children. I’ve … Read More…

Large Family Stress Reduction: Keeping Track by Herding

If children do not know where they are supposed to be and what they are supposed to be doing, they get creative trying to figure things out, and the results can be disastrous! I once passed a park in a rural area and witnessed a fascinating display. A … Read More…