How to Find More Time with Homeschool Lunchboxes

Homeschooling moms need a 30 hour day–don’t you agree? Since that’s never going to happen, we have to find ways to use the 24 hours we already have. One better way to use the time we are allotted is with homeschool lunchboxes. “But Sherry, packing a lunch seems … Read More…

15 Homeschool Hacks for Pregnancy and Childbirth

Babies and homeschooling; is it possible to mix both? Most people think a mom of 15 should know! In fact, recently a dear mama sent me a question which inspired this entire post: I was wondering if you could give me some advice and insight. Here’s what I’m … Read More…

The Best Almost Free Language Arts Curriculum You’ll Ever Need

If you have more than one child and you are homeschooling, you know about Scattered Brain Syndrome. Since I have 15 children, I guess my brain is more scattered than the rest of civilization (an excuse I might use when apologizing for missing that doctor’s appointment on Monday…). … Read More…

How to Solve Homeschool Problems

Ever feel like a homeschooling failure? Relax, you’re among friends! Grab a cup of whatever makes you smile and read this post to find out how to make sense of homeschooling and rest your weary heart. In a way of personal confessions, I could tell you some stories! … Read More…

homeschool room, decorating on a budget, homeschool room on a budget, homeschool room for real learning, real-life homeschooling

Our Budget-Friendly Homeschool Room

Don’t have a lot of extra cash to create that “perfect” homeschool room? Neither do I! Spending oodles of money on the perfect space would eat up most of my budget, and, besides, who wants to turn the entire home into some ugly institution? (Blech!) Instead, our decor … Read More…

Seven Backdoors to Learning for Exhausted Moms

Let’s face it; there are times when formal homeschooling is impossible. Such as… …when you are experiencing debilitating morning sickness, …when there is a new baby in the house, …when the whole house is recovering from the flu, …when the family is experiencing a move, …during a time … Read More…

The Truth About Math

Don’t let math intimidate you! Homeschooling has the clear advantage, trust me. This post outlines the down-and-dirty, nitty-gritty truth about math instruction; what it was, what it is, what it should be! First, what math instruction was…. Before the 20th century people didn’t care much about mathematics. Beyond … Read More…

Give Your Child a Spine

Watching the recent outbreak of violent protests causes us to ask one very important question: “Where did these unhinged young people come from?” The answer is disturbing, but it’s true; these frenzied French-fries came from us. We are the reason they cannot discern reality from fantasy. We are … Read More…

Tips and Tricks for Multiplication Memorization

Rote learning is not primary to a quality education, but it is essential. Take multiplication facts, for example. It is next to impossible for any higher math to be understood without having these down pat. The times I have rushed my children forward before they had memorized these … Read More…

The Jig is Up: Public Schooling is Wrecking America

The socialist, globalist agenda is a definite threat to our country, but it wouldn’t have a chance if it weren’t for public schooling and higher education. Wherever is found what is called paternal government, there is found state education. It has been discovered that the best way to … Read More…