Escape the Slavery of Grade Levels {printable}

Grade levels are not natural, and they are not necessary. They were meant to categorize people so that they could fit nicely into pegs and slots in the cold, massive factories we call public schools. Children are not products, they are human beings. Modern education systems see them … Read More…

I’m Not Afraid to Protect My Children

Call me crazy, but I have never left my newborn out in the street and expected her to crawl home. I never took my toddler to Walmart and left him in the store, expecting him to find his own way to the car. I don’t have the habit … Read More…

A Summer Project: Getting Children to Behave

When we homeschool we are facing two fronts; we are not only having to deal with the shortcomings of our children, but we are also being forced to face the realities of who we are (or aren’t). This, I believe, is the amazing aspect of teaching one’s own … Read More…

Are You Crazy Enough to Homeschool Your Children?

There was a time when homeschooling looked crazy and dangerous. I was convinced that it harmed children, and I was sure it could never work. But, here I am, 27 years later, still teaching reading, writing, and enjoying a host of amazing experiences with my 15 children. I’ve … Read More…

Large Family Stress Reduction: Streamlining

It could be said that most of our time is spent dealing with all of our “stuff.” We have to shuffle it around, polish it, maintain it, categorize it, pick it up, stow it, etc. This is only exacerbated when your family has been multiplied by love! Along … Read More…

Using Vintage Books for Homeschooling {Video}

I’m having so much fun with these videos that I decided to go for another one; this time about the many ways we can use any number of vintage books, not just the McGuffey readers, in our homeschooling adventure. As a help, I am including here a short … Read More…

How to Place Your Children in the McGuffey Readers

As I have been doing a few videos on using the McGuffey’s for homeschooling the same question continues to be asked: How do I know what level to put my child in? I know this is a quandary, especially when considering that these wonderful books do not go … Read More…

Using the McGuffey Readers for Progressing Readers and Writers

As promised, I have uploaded my next installment on how I use the “McG’s” as we affectionately call them.


This time my focus is on those who are reading on their own, but need further practice and guidance as they are developing their skills. I also offer some general practical advice on homeschooling.


I am having so much fun doing these! I can’t wait until I can set these things up for another round of video sharing–hope you enjoy!


The McGuffey Readers for Beginning Readers

I know in my last post I introduced the McGuffey readers. I hope you came away with some valuable information and are a bit less mystified. In this installment of my video chats I try to give a general idea of how I use these marvelous books to teach “emerging” readers and writers. I hope you enjoy!

You can…

Video Intro to the McGuffey Readers

Because I have received so many requests about the McGuffey readers, I thought I would sit down and record a few short chats on the subject.

Nothing posh or polished, just me in our basement “school” room (you might see a child streaking behind me about half-way through!).

More to come!

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