How to Reset Your Mom Life

Mom life is a marathon, isn’t it? We start out strong, spurred on by gushing love and admiration for a child who is perfect in our eyes. Then Guilt and Fear come along and we grow weary and weak. Guilt keeps us company. Chatting incessantly about all the things we … Read More…

How to become a sweet mom to your family

How to Be a Sweet Mom to Your Family

Sweetness does not come naturally to most of us. We tend to react to the hard knocks of life by becoming cold and hard. Of course women must be tough as nails, but we don’t have to act rough and sharp! Not only babies and children, but husbands, parents, … Read More…

A Beautiful Tool for Busy Moms

Some folks collect baseball cards, others collect rocks or stamps. In our family we collect sweet precious, wonderful babies. As our children have grown up, we not only have our own tiny people, but our children are having babies as well (yes, we are “breeders,” to God’s glory, hallelujah!). … Read More…

homeschool room, decorating on a budget, homeschool room on a budget, homeschool room for real learning, real-life homeschooling

Our Budget-Friendly Homeschool Room

Don’t have a lot of extra cash to create that “perfect” homeschool room? Neither do I! Spending oodles of money on the perfect space would eat up most of my budget, and, besides, who wants to turn the entire home into some ugly institution? (Blech!) Instead, our decor … Read More…

parenting, successful parenting, self-control mom

How to Become a Self-Controlled Mom

There is a wild gal within me, and she is SO MUCH FUN! She whoops and hollers at football games. She waves and dances in church. She plays worship music really, really loudly and mouths the words while she vacuums. She buys chocolate for the kids and then … Read More…

reasons moms should include eggs in their family's diet. frugal nutrition, real food,

Why Mommies Should Love Eggs

Mommies should be egg-static about eggs because they are amazingly nutritious, CHEAP, and easy to fix. Here is the low-down on why they are so marvelous: 1.Eggs are excellent nutrition. Read this from Authority Nutrition: Whole eggs are so nutritious that they’re often called “nature’s multivitamin.” Here is … Read More…

How to Become a Peaceful Mom

Moms can, and must, find peace.  When they don’t, they become a menace to their families. I know all about it, peace that is, and that’s saying a lot. People don’t believe me. They say it’s not possible for a mom of 15 to know even the meaning … Read More…

Are You Killing Your Kids?

Mommyhood is not all kisses and flowers, is it? There are days when we dance through fields of daisies, and there are weeks when we trudge a rocky road. I started out wanting to tip-toe through the tulips. Within three years I had a beautiful little girl with … Read More…

15 Happy Hacks for Spring Cleaning from a Mom of 15

Spring cleaning makes me happy, I just can’t help it!  Everything is beginning anew, and I am itching to do a whole-house reboot. After all, there are 10 of us who run around with dirty shoes and fling our dirty underwear into the hamper (hopefully). For me it goes … Read More…

Seven Backdoors to Learning for Exhausted Moms

Let’s face it; there are times when formal homeschooling is impossible. Such as… …when you are experiencing debilitating morning sickness, …when there is a new baby in the house, …when the whole house is recovering from the flu, …when the family is experiencing a move, …during a time … Read More…