12 Strategies for Large Family Homeschooling

Homeschooling our 15 children has made me really appreciate public school teachers! After all, teachers deal with whole classrooms of children at diverse backgrounds with different learning styles and needs every day. There is a real reason they devote a quite a lot of time to “classroom management.” … Read More…

How to Place Your Children in the McGuffey Readers

As I have been doing a few videos on using the McGuffey’s for homeschooling the same question continues to be asked: How do I know what level to put my child in? I know this is a quandary, especially when considering that these wonderful books do not go … Read More…

The McGuffey Readers for Beginning Readers

I know in my last post I introduced the McGuffey readers. I hope you came away with some valuable information and are a bit less mystified. In this installment of my video chats I try to give a general idea of how I use these marvelous books to teach “emerging” readers and writers. I hope you enjoy!

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Keeping Track With Our Un-Spiral Spirals {Free Download}

Using  cheap spirals for daily assignments for my children was a genius idea (I first read about it on Sarah Mackenzie’s blog, Amongst Lovely Things). It kept us focused, gave us a feeling of accomplishment, and helped us to order our days better so that there was plenty … Read More…