Charlotte Mason Narration Done Right

Today we are going to examine narration, which is a very Charlotte-Masonish thing to do. I first discovered Charlotte Mason after I had been officially homeschooling for about six years. It was a re-discovery for all of us early homeschoolers back then. Susan Schaeffer Macauley’s book, For the … Read More…

Charlotte Mason for REAL Moms: Who Has Time for Handicrafts?

Don’t have time for crafting? It’s been a real struggle for me, but well worth the effort when I made it. Children should be working with their hands to create useful and beautiful things–this is what Charlotte Mason believed, and it lines up well with the Bible, research, … Read More…

Loads of Charlotte Mason Videos

Where has the time gone? I’ve been having so much fun over at my YouTube channel that I’ve spaced writing on my blog altogether–so sorry! Anyways, in case you are a great fan of Charlotte Mason, or just barely ready to dip your toes in, these videos are … Read More…

Charlotte Mason for REAL Moms: The Basics

The best way to simplify a complicated subject is to make an outline. The same is true when dealing with something as complicated as The Charlotte Mason Method. So, in this video we will be discussing the basics in a list format (with some side-stepping for explanation and … Read More…

Charlotte Mason for REAL Moms: What Education Is and Isn’t

What is education, anyways? Aren’t schools the place to find out? Unfortunately, no. Due to many, many things they are probably the worst places to discover what true learning is. This is the way I see it; if I wanted to know all about housecleaning, I wouldn’t ask … Read More…

Charlotte Mason for Real Moms Video series Introduction

Charlotte Mason was an amazing educator who has given the modern homeschooling movement balance and direction. The hinge pin of her methods was simplicity, but putting her ideas into practice at home is anything but simple. That’s what I’ve found, anyway. I started out with only glimpses via … Read More…

The Lesson Book: Easiest Way to Charlotte Mason Style Homeschooling

I’ve got something so amazing to share with you today that I almost cannot contain myself! It’s something that has been in the works or a long, long time; something that could revolutionize the way you do Charlotte Mason Homeschooling. It’s what we have named “The Lesson Book.” … Read More…

Charlotte Mason for Real Moms

The Charlotte Mason method is truly an amazing way to homeschool, but its genius is clouded by too much information. If you are like me, you don’t have the time nor the inclination to swim through a sea of impressions. You need a summary, and then you need … Read More…

homeschool planning with God's wisdom

Wise Homeschool Planning: Embracing God’s Guidance

So much of my life has been trusting God for each step directly in front of me. I have always had this sense that the life of our family was like the journey of Abraham on his way to Canaan. God called him out, but didn’t give him … Read More…

notebooking questions answered

Notebooking Questions Answered

I hope that by reading this post (and/or listening to my podcast), you will have many of your notebooking questions answered. Recently we have been delving deeply into the idea of notebooking as a homeschooling method of learning. This is partly because of our current project of creating … Read More…