When You Feel Like Giving Up on Homeschooling

Discouragement, failure, comparison; these are all ideas that swirl around in our heads from time-to-time. There have been days when I was certain I was ruining my own children forever, or that they never would be able to make it, or that “other people” were doing so much … Read More…

The Missing Ingredient in Homeschooling

There is something conspicuously absent in our homeschooling. It’s not curricula. It’s not supplies. It’s not physical exercise. It’s not test preparation. It is something so simple that we rarely think about it, yet it is so profound that we are doomed to fail without it. I was … Read More…

Are Large Families Poor?

There is a prosperity that only includes what you own, but it doesn’t touch who you are. It’s true–in our home of currently 11 people, we are a messy, noisy bunch, and we are not afraid to express ourselves! There is usually so much going on that it … Read More…

Good Moms Know How to Ignore

If you don’t develop the art of ignoring, you will crash and burn as a mother. Oh, yes, I believe in keeping a neat house, of doing things ahead, and of making life simple, but if you looked deep into my psyche and tried to learn the secrets … Read More…

Is “The Pill” Evil?

When I was a child there were only two, or sometimes three, channels to turn to on the television set, so when the news came on there was no escape!  Even though I would have done almost anything to avoid such boring adult dribble, my parents insisted in … Read More…

Keeping Track With Our Un-Spiral Spirals {Free Download}

Using  cheap spirals for daily assignments for my children was a genius idea (I first read about it on Sarah Mackenzie’s blog, Amongst Lovely Things). It kept us focused, gave us a feeling of accomplishment, and helped us to order our days better so that there was plenty … Read More…

Two Are Better Than One

Our baby was burning up with fever last night. I was so concerned for her I was on edge and I barked at my husband because he could “take it.” How did he respond? He took turns with me all night caring for her. He helped me fight … Read More…