Free Homeschool Mom Planner

Free Undated Homeschool Planner

Happy summer to all my homeschooling mom friends! I hope you enjoy the free undated homeschool planner pages I am offering (link at the bottom of this post)! I’ve been busy (as I’m certain all of you have been, too). Among the blessings of this summer so far … Read More…

Free Homeschool Mom Planner for Spring 2022

In this post I will be introducing the promised free homeschool mom planner for spring 2022. This planner is meant to include elements of the different hats homeschooling moms wear. This is the second in a series with some changes and/or improvements based on your input and my … Read More…

Cheap Homeschooling With Composition Books

This post is about cheap homeschooling with composition books. Don’t let lack of money keep you from homeschooling! Learning does not have to be complicated and expensive. If you have enough money to purchase some composition books, and basic school supplies, you’re in business! Besides a recent video … Read More…

A Poet for Father’s Day

It’s that time of year when we ask ourselves the question, “What do men really want for Father’s Day?” Let’s see; most men have enough ties, and candy, and coffee mugs. One thing they do not have in our culture (and in most families) is honor and respect. … Read More…

Why you should read Shakespeare this Summer

Why You Should Read Shakespeare This Summer

It has come to my attention that Shakespeare has been “cancelled.” But I’m not so sure of that. After all, his plays have survived multiple wars, famines, plagues, world conquerors, fascism, communism and just about everything in-between. Like it or not, they are here to stay. In fact, … Read More…

Homeschool With Peace

All of us wish we could homeschool with peace. However, I know (personally) that we moms struggle to find tranquility within our homes. Besides battling with dyslexia and dyscalculia, we have to fend off surly replies, sighs, whining, and worse. Youngsters at home are comfortable, so they don’t … Read More…

Homeschooling Questions Answered by Mom of 15

This post will deal with some homeschooling questions. I love it when y’all ask me questions because it allows me to focus my efforts so that I can be more effective for you. I recently received some really good ones from a reader, so I thought I would … Read More…

15 Hacks For Homeschool Scheduling

Why is it that when you are home everyone thinks you have a lot of time on your hands? Homemaking itself can take the entire day, then adding in homeschooling means we are often scrambling to find time to fit everything in. Here are some principles for homeschool … Read More…

How to Be Part of the Great Awakening

In this post we will be discussing a few ways we can be part of the Great Awakening. It seems every day we get more bad news. If it’s not the looming specter of a super bug that will (supposedly) wipe out civilization, it is the screeching of … Read More…

How to Find Time to Homeschool

Daily mom life takes up just about every available minute in the day. How are we supposed to find time to homeschool on top of it all? This is probably one of the greatest issues I have faced as the mom of 15 energetic children. Over the years … Read More…