Public Education is Destroying Us

Why We Need Education Alternatives

I will make a bold statement right here that will tell you where I am heading: Our education system was engineered to destroy us. I don’t make the above statement lightly. I have been researching education for the last 32 years, reading more books and magazine articles than … Read More…

How to Homeschool for Cheap or Free pt 1

Curriculum doesn’t have to be expensive to be excellent. In fact, using video and blog posts packed with meaty information I intend to show you how you can homeschool for cheap or free. I’m not kidding, folks! Most of modern education is not excellent. Public education doesn’t have … Read More…

Free Course on How to Fill Your Large Family With Miracles

If you are a mom of many children, your normal is not normal. Now, you may be average in intelligence, or body, or bank account, but the demands on all of these are more than most people can imagine. I know this because I am the mother of … Read More…

Large Family Child Training Dealing With Heart Issues

When it comes to large family child training, rules and consequences are only part of the equation. If you really want to get on top of negative behavior, you have to address heart issues. So, what exactly does that mean? Well, here is a list of some of … Read More…

What to do With Your Kids When They Are Not Homeschoooling

At the time of this post, homeschooling is the most common form of education in America (imagine that!). Fortunately, many are discovering how efficient learning at home really is. The question now is what to do with your kids when they are not homeschooling. I’m the mom of … Read More…

Relaxed Homeschool Record Keeping and a Giveaway

There are loads of homeschool planners available, but few meet the true needs of most homeschoolers. I’m the mom of 15 children, and I have to tell you that, no matter how well I have tried to plan, most of our learning has been spontaneous. This has left … Read More…

How to Homeschool with Confidence

Homeschooling is basically tutoring. It was the original form of education (look at it in Deuteronomy 6:10)                              If you take it down to its most basic, most effective essence, it is ORGANIC—it is as natural as breathing. THINK—if you taught your child to speak, talk, and potty train, … Read More…

Autopilot Homeschooling

If you want to know a great secret for homeschooling huge amounts of children, read on. As a mom of 15, I understand the juggling routine when it comes to teaching multiple ages at the same time. Everyone told me to “combine subjects,” which helped a little bit, … Read More…

Cast a Vision for Your Home in 2020

Homemaking is not just a job I settled for. It is my chosen vocation, my avocation, and my calling. I consider it worthy of the same effort I would put into any other profession. That’s why I try and employ every method and tool available to promote the … Read More…

Christmas, Parenting, and Crazy Love

This time of year gets me thinking about Mary. I wonder what it was like back then; pregnancy and childbirth in times where there were no cars or hospitals. She was most probably contracting while riding around town late at night on a donkey. I can’t imagine a … Read More…