finding time for homeschooling

How to Find Time for Homeschooling

Any mom of children knows that life is full of surprises. But besides taking care of the regular responsibilities of motherhood, teaching your own children makes you feel like there aren’t enough hours in the day! With a mega brood of my own, I understand the frustration. Today … Read More…

It's NOT the End of the World

It’s NOT the End of the World

We are expecting an eclipse next week. Is this an opportunity for panic, for the end of the world, or for great joy and jubilation? When I was a little girl and something bad would happen to me, say, I lost my doll or skinned my knee, the … Read More…

What Self-Control Will Do For You

Read on to find out just what self control will do for you. Self-control is not supposed to keep us from having fun–it is supposed to make room for the lasting things that bring joy and satisfaction. Here’s an illustration: Suppose a mother has a preschool child who … Read More…

Eve Reborn, Renew Your Marriage, Man and Woman

Renew Your Marriage

In my last post we discussed the introduction to our series entitled “Eve Reborn.” I have since added numerous videos, so I thought it would be good to put up a post and give some added insight on how to renew your marriage. It is important to realize … Read More…

How to Make a Vision Board

The other day one of our daughters went to the store and came home with a stack of foam boards and markers and announced it was time for us to each create our own “vision boards” in honor of the new year. So, we all sat down and … Read More…

almost everything homeschool mom planner

Homeschool Mom Planner Freebie for 2022

Hello, dear ladies! Today I am sharing the wonderful news that I have some organizing videos and…a homeschool mom planner freebie for 2022! In my absence here on the blog I have actually done two videos, one on how I organize my life on paper, the other on … Read More…

Prophetic Homemaking Podcast Notes

Dear reader, God has such a great surprise headed our way! In these last days we are going to witness His glory move unmistakably. One way we are going to see this happen is through prophetic homemaking. If you are interested in listening to the podcast, here it … Read More…

Fight like Women, ways to keep the world from tanking

How to Fight Like Women and Save the World

I’m gonna say some things that have been on my heart a long, long time. I allude to these things in loads of posts, but I ‘m going to hit them head-on here. It may not set right with everyone, but time is short, so diplomacy is in … Read More…

How to Be Part of the Great Awakening

In this post we will be discussing a few ways we can be part of the Great Awakening. It seems every day we get more bad news. If it’s not the looming specter of a super bug that will (supposedly) wipe out civilization, it is the screeching of … Read More…

How to Prepare for the Future

“Are we there yet?” This is the question we ask as we think about all the crazy things we have been experiencing lately. And it’s not over, not by any stretch of the imagination. Question is, how do we prepare for the future that is before us? Is … Read More…