Homebuilding 101: You Already Have What You Need!

As a mom of 15 I know about needs! How many times have I been in situations where I didn’t know what my next move would be. I’m thinking here of taking an infant to a well-baby check-up with two other toddlers in tow, or grocery shopping with … Read More…

Homebuilding 101: Where to Find HELP

Where does a mom of 15 go when she needs help? Jesus, of course! He offers everything we could ever need, even wrote it down in a binding document. Read it right here: According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life … Read More…

Start Your Day with T.H.E. Routine

I am a morning person, but not instantly. Having an entire (huge) family doesn’t give me a lot of time to get my engine warmed up and ready to go. Over the years I have had to develop a simple routine that gives me a solid footing, even … Read More…

What to Think When You Feel Overwhelmed

The new video will really help my fellow creatives. There really is such a thing as too much fun, and do I ever know it! What I have learned to do is narrow down my choices and reduce the amount of details I have to attend to. In … Read More…

How to Fight Chaos and Build Your Family

Got family? Then you’ve got problems, but don’t worry, if you’ve got Jesus, you’ve also got solutions! In this video we will be discussing: One of the defining characteristics of God One of the defining characteristics of the devil Homebuilding Foundational Truth #1 Something for you to chew … Read More…

Are Your Children Learning the RIGHT Science?

There is science, and then there is science. One type claims to be enlightening but keeps people in the dark, the other is full of the light of eternity. Which one is influencing your kids? This is more than slightly important. This one element may just make or … Read More…

God Has Promised Moms Joy

Got grief? If you are a Christian mom, grief should be chasing you down daily. Why? because there is a devil and he hates godly people. One person has said that, if the devil isn’t against you, it’s because you’re walking with him. Yea, and all that will … Read More…

How Doing These Two Things Can Revolutionize Your Mom Life

Back when I had loads of children under ten, I also had loads of frustration. Each day was like a box of chocolates; I never knew what I was going to get. No matter how I tried to be organized and create a “to-do” list, I never got … Read More…

Why Christian Women Should Stand Against Feminism

If you consider yourself a feminist, please read on. All of the nice principles you think you are supporting may have been misrepresented to you. To begin with, I would like to suggest something that isn’t widely known or accepted. It is this: The feminist movement was never … Read More…

How to Deal With Teen Tantrums

There’s no reason to hang your head in shame when you’re dealing with teen tantrums. Despite common assumptions, parents are rarely the blame. Sure, moms and dads can sometimes be great contributors via rough handling, poor example, or both. We are all used to seeing these modeled on … Read More…