The Ultimate Tool For Homeschool Record Keeping

A true, living education is more than textbooks and tests. Just about everything a child experiences is educational, but how can we capture all of it so that it “counts”? Most homeschool record keeping products are either too general or too complex. Very little has been created to help … Read More…

Simplify Homeschooling for Teens with The Lesson Book

Have a few teens in your house? Then you know about that fine line, the one that makes you wobble between giving a young person the freedom to develop their own lives and the need to keep them from crashing in the process! When it comes to homeschooling, … Read More…

How to Use The Lesson Book Level Two and Level Three

Last post I proposed a way to use The Lesson Book with beginning readers and writers. This post I would like to show you how I use The Lesson Book  Level Two and Level Three with children who are doing pretty well with sounding out words and sentences, they … Read More…

How to do a language arts lesson using The Lesson Book

How to do a Primary Language Arts Lesson With The Lesson Book

The Lesson Book is perfect for doing primary language arts lessons. Not only does it offer freedom for you to choose what your child concentrates on, but it also lends structure so that you are more able to form consistent habits that will help your little one build … Read More…

How We Homeschool: Mom of 15 Shares the Details

So…as I have promised, here is how we are doing it. Please keep in mind, this is only a snapshot. If you took a picture of how we did it 20 years ago, you may have not recognized it as the same thing. We have adapted according to … Read More…

How to Build the Ultimate Homeschool Method

If you are like me, sifting through homeschool methods is so mind-boggling! Each one sounds so promising, and the testimonies are so convincing. Yet, using them in “real life” can be so overwhelming. In fact, I just about went crazy trying to find one that fit. Finally, I … Read More…

The Best Almost Free Language Arts Curriculum You’ll Ever Need

If you have more than one child and you are homeschooling, you know about Scattered Brain Syndrome. Since I have 15 children, I guess my brain is more scattered than the rest of civilization (an excuse I might use when apologizing for missing that doctor’s appointment on Monday…). … Read More…

How to Solve Homeschool Problems

Ever feel like a homeschooling failure? Relax, you’re among friends! Grab a cup of whatever makes you smile and read this post to find out how to make sense of homeschooling and rest your weary heart. In a way of personal confessions, I could tell you some stories! … Read More…

Gentle Grammar for Young Children

There is a stage where the gap between the ability to read and the ability to write is enormous. Of course, early efforts are so precious and endearing! What cold-hearted person could discourage such amazing beginnings, and yet… …I have observed that, if not corrected early-on, some habits … Read More…

Free Lesson Sheets Printables

During my 27 years of homeschooling, nothing has contributed more to our stability and success than the McGuffey Readers. I am a great promoter of delight-directed learning and I believe it is the only way to allow the God-given genius in each child flourish and take flight. I … Read More…