More than 15 Homeschool Hacks from a Mom of 15

It doesn’t take a genius to educate a large family at home, but it does take quite a bit of focus and ingenuity. This is especially true when considering the direction and logistical details for another year of learning. If you are like me, you can use any … Read More…

12 Strategies for Large Family Homeschooling

Homeschooling our 15 children has made me really appreciate public school teachers! After all, teachers deal with whole classrooms of children at diverse backgrounds with different learning styles and needs every day. There is a real reason they devote a quite a lot of time to “classroom management.” … Read More…

homeschool sanity, Pure Motives?

Know Why You Homeschool

Before you research curriculum and purchase supplies, do you know why you homeschool? You should; it makes all the difference in the world. When we think of education, there are actually three ways we view children: 1. Child as product. This is the “factory” idea most of us … Read More…

A Fun Alternative to Workbooks for Homeschooling

Instead of using an expensive, complicated, tiring curriculum for history, geography, and literature, why not try something new? This post will be all about a fun alternative to workbooks: Notebooking! “Notebooking” is not in the spelling dictionary of my computer, so it is one of those concepts that … Read More…

How to Homeschool Multiple Ages

Large family dynamics are often misunderstood. I know I had a hard time understanding from the outside. It took a few years for me to discover that, while this lifestyle comes with numerous challenges, it also comes with the equipment to overcome them all. What it takes is … Read More…

7 Hacks for Excellent Homeschool Content from a Laid-back Mom of 15

Have you been effected by homeschool insanity? Sometimes it seems like a test to see how much cranium cramming can be done before lunch. No time for actually enjoying Pachelbel’s Canon in D, it’s just another requirement we hurry through to get to the Latin lesson to get … Read More…

FREE Gentle Grammar Curriculum Download

Hey, Mom, are your beginning readers frustrated when it comes to writing and punctuating simple sentences?  I know mine have been. For years I searched high and low for a grammar program that would help my children write well from the very beginning of literacy. Then I discovered … Read More…

Keep Track of Homeschooling with One Simple Sheet

If there’s one thing I know about homeschooling, it’s that learning happens all of the time! Not just Monday through Friday. Not just between the hours of eight am and three pm. No, learning happens before six in the morning, and sometimes even after midnight in the evening. … Read More…