15 hacks for a stress-less holiday season from a mom of 15

15 Hacks for a Less Stressful Holiday Season

My ultimate Christmas dream is a quiet dinner, a modest Christmas tree, a few gifts opened while soft Christmas carols play in the background… However, my husband is the opposite. He is Santa Claus. Really, I’m not kidding. He loves everything about the season, even listens to Christmas … Read More…

Add Some Method to Your Homeschool Madness

This is the third installment in the Easy Homeschooling series. Today we are going to discuss how we need things we can touch and see in order to keep us on track. If you have multiple children in multiple stages of childhood, this will be especially helpful for … Read More…

Simplifying homeschooling into its most essential parts helps build confidence and quell confusion.

More Tips for Making Homeschooling EASY

Homeschooling is something that is either hugely complicated or wonderfully simple. It all depends on your perspective. While choice is an amazing thing, too much choice can lead to confusion unless you have a framework that dictates which helps you make decisions. By God’s grace (and isn’t it … Read More…

You CAN Homeschool a Large Family

From the outside it seems impossible that any one woman could feed, clothe, and pay attention to a group of four or more children. I know that before I had my own brood I was doubtful. However, while this lifestyle comes with numerous challenges, it also comes with … Read More…

10 Hacks for Large Family Road Trip Food

Family road trip food does not have to mean a messy, junk-food, free-for-all. There are ways to pack snacks and meals that save money, time, and mess! For about a decade our family of 17 traveled frequently with our Daddy for His work. Over the years I learned, with … Read More…

a bin labeled using a diy tutorial

DIY Organizing Labels

There are loads of DIY organizing labels tutorials, but most involve special equipment or special expertise. I know this because I found myself in need of some organizing labels after our recent move. I think I must have moved the food in our pantry around at least three … Read More…

Homebuilding: Give Your Child a Drink of Water

When life gets hectic it’s easy to see children as nuisances and forget that our words and actions can affect them negatively. Too often we treat them as if they are less than nothing, responding to their simple requests with frustration and anger that we would never show … Read More…

Homebuilding 101: The Monstrosity Within

Is Jesus some sort of “self improvement” guru? Is Christianity nothing more than a means of “besting” ourselves? Nothing wrong with being the best we can be, but by whose design and for whose purposes are the questions we need to be asking ourselves. Today’s vlog entry will … Read More…

Homebuilding 101: You Already Have What You Need!

As a mom of 15 I know about needs! How many times have I been in situations where I didn’t know what my next move would be. I’m thinking here of taking an infant to a well-baby check-up with two other toddlers in tow, or grocery shopping with … Read More…

Homebuilding 101: Where to Find HELP

Where does a mom of 15 go when she needs help? Jesus, of course! He offers everything we could ever need, even wrote it down in a binding document. Read it right here: According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life … Read More…