Loads of Charlotte Mason Videos

Where has the time gone? I’ve been having so much fun over at my YouTube channel that I’ve spaced writing on my blog altogether–so sorry! Anyways, in case you are a great fan of Charlotte Mason, or just barely ready to dip your toes in, these videos are … Read More…

Charlotte Mason for REAL Moms: The Basics

The best way to simplify a complicated subject is to make an outline. The same is true when dealing with something as complicated as The Charlotte Mason Method. So, in this video we will be discussing the basics in a list format (with some side-stepping for explanation and … Read More…

Charlotte Mason for REAL Moms: What Education Is and Isn’t

What is education, anyways? Aren’t schools the place to find out? Unfortunately, no. Due to many, many things they are probably the worst places to discover what true learning is. This is the way I see it; if I wanted to know all about housecleaning, I wouldn’t ask … Read More…

Charlotte Mason for Real Moms Video series Introduction

Charlotte Mason was an amazing educator who has given the modern homeschooling movement balance and direction. The hinge pin of her methods was simplicity, but putting her ideas into practice at home is anything but simple. That’s what I’ve found, anyway. I started out with only glimpses via … Read More…

Homebuilding: Give Your Child a Drink of Water

When life gets hectic it’s easy to see children as nuisances and forget that our words and actions can affect them negatively. Too often we treat them as if they are less than nothing, responding to their simple requests with frustration and anger that we would never show … Read More…

Homebuilding 101: The Monstrosity Within

Is Jesus some sort of “self improvement” guru? Is Christianity nothing more than a means of “besting” ourselves? Nothing wrong with being the best we can be, but by whose design and for whose purposes are the questions we need to be asking ourselves. Today’s vlog entry will … Read More…

Homebuilding 101: You Already Have What You Need!

As a mom of 15 I know about needs! How many times have I been in situations where I didn’t know what my next move would be. I’m thinking here of taking an infant to a well-baby check-up with two other toddlers in tow, or grocery shopping with … Read More…

Start Your Day with T.H.E. Routine

I am a morning person, but not instantly. Having an entire (huge) family doesn’t give me a lot of time to get my engine warmed up and ready to go. Over the years I have had to develop a simple routine that gives me a solid footing, even … Read More…

What to Think When You Feel Overwhelmed

The new video will really help my fellow creatives. There really is such a thing as too much fun, and do I ever know it! What I have learned to do is narrow down my choices and reduce the amount of details I have to attend to. In … Read More…

How to Fight Chaos and Build Your Family

Got family? Then you’ve got problems, but don’t worry, if you’ve got Jesus, you’ve also got solutions! In this video we will be discussing: One of the defining characteristics of God One of the defining characteristics of the devil Homebuilding Foundational Truth #1 Something for you to chew … Read More…